New Brunswick in 2020
- Smoking prevalence: 9.7% (62 000 smokers), compared to 16.7% in 2019.
- Males: estimate suppressed.
- Females: estimate suppressed.
- Average daily cigarette consumption: 14.6 cigarettes per day, compared to 13.7 in 2019.
- Average price per pack (20 cigarettes): $13.64.
Smoking prevalence
In 2020, smoking prevalence in New Brunswick was 9.7%, just below the national average of 10.3%.
Figure 2.21 shows smoking prevalence, overall and among males and females, in New Brunswick from 1999-2020. During this time, overall prevalence decreased by more than half, despite some fluctuation. Prevalence was fairly consistently greater among males than females in most years, although similar in a few, including the most recent available.

Figure 2.22 shows smoking prevalence by age group in New Brunswick, from 1999-2020. While data for the most recent years is not reportable for most age groups, the available data indicate that smoking prevalence decreased in all age groups during this time; the largest decrease was among youth aged 15-19, whose 2017 smoking rate was approximately one-fifth of the 1999 estimate.

Cigarette consumption
Between 1999 and 2020, average daily cigarette consumption in New Brunswick decreased by nearly 4 cigarettes per day, although this decline was not steady (Figure 2.23). Male smokers consumed considerably more cigarettes per day than female smokers in most years with available data, but consumption was more similar in the most recent survey years reported.