About CTNS

The Canadian Tobacco and Nicotine Survey (CTNS) replaced the tobacco and nicotine content of the CTADS beginning in 2019, while data on alcohol and drug use is now collected independently in the Canadian Alcohol and Drug Survey (CADS). The CTNS is conducted by Statistics Canada on behalf of Health Canada. CTNS data are collected primarily through an online survey, with supplementary telephone interviews, conducted from October 29 to December 17, 2019 for the 2019 CTNS, and from December 8, 2020 to January 16, 2021 for the 2020 CTNS. The CTNS samples are selected using a stratified sampling procedure, and include the population of non-institutionalized people in Canada’s ten provinces, who are aged 15 years and over, and who are not members of collectives or living on reserves.

For those who are 15-24 years old, the CTNS uses a targeted respondent sample, where the person is the sampling unit. The sampling frame for this group was stratified by age group and province, and a systematic sample was selected independently within each age group and province. For those who are 25 years and older, the CTNS uses a two-stage sample design where the sampling unit for the first stage is the dwelling, and the sampling unit for the second stage is the person. The sampling frame for this group was stratified by province, and a simple random sample of dwellings was selected independently within each province. Sufficient sample was allocated to each of the provinces and age groups so that the survey could produce provincial level estimates, as well as estimates for the three age groups of interest (15-19, 20-24, 25+). Data were collected directly from from survey respondents either through an electronic questionnaire or through computer assisted telephone interviewing.

CTNS data available at https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/en/catalogue/13250001, and documentation available at https://www23.statcan.gc.ca/imdb/p2SV.pl?Function=getSurvey&SDDS=5305.