Ideas and actions

Welcome to the Faculty of Arts, a dynamic community of students, faculty and staff working in and across the humanities, social sciences, and fine, performing and media arts.

Through our diverse range of research, teaching, and learning, we contribute positive social impacts in a culturally complex and technologically driven world. Aligned with the University of Waterloo’s strengths in work-integrated learning, Arts prepares students for life and for work with skills and values that emphasize the welfare of individuals, communities, and the environments in which we live.


Serendipity and scholarly expertise came together this fall to solve a puzzle about two giants of the English literary canon. “It’s like if you discovered that Milton was a woman – it would be unavoidable to address that in future studies,” says Katherine Acheson, a professor of English who edited Early Modern English Marginalia, the collection that led to the discovery of how Milton met Shakespeare.