By Sheila Ager, Dean of Arts
Here we are, already in the Fall of 2023. It’s that time of year when university life traditionally gears up to full speed after a period of quiet. But as you all know, this has not been a quiet summer for the University of Waterloo and the Faculty of Arts.
While the horrific attack on a gender studies class in June has shaken all our community deeply, it has also redoubled our commitment to the values that we hold dear, values that Arts has made explicit in our new strategic plan: free enquiry; social justice in all its dimensions; respect and tolerance; compassion and empathy; honesty, integrity, and personal responsibility; sustainability; and collegiality, cooperation, and collaboration.
Our vision
These are above all human values, the ideals of a civilized society, exemplified in the vision of the Faculty of Arts expressed in the new plan:

The Faculty of Arts will contribute to a better world though positive social impact. Our research, teaching, and learning will emphasize a conviction that all peoples are worthy of respect, empathy, and socio-economic wellbeing. We will apply our resources and talents to reduce harms inflicted by people on each other, on themselves, and on the environment, while seeking to advance human ingenuity to benefit all.
The hate-motivated attack of June 28, in a classroom where instructor and students together were exploring issues of identity and belonging, diversity and acceptance, shows how desperately our world needs human understanding. If knowledge is power, then greater knowledge of ourselves should give us the strength and capacity to combat the forces of hatred, bigotry, and violence, whether in society or in ourselves.
Our plan
A Future for Humanity: Faculty of Arts Strategic Plan, 2023-2030 identifies three priority areas for change, each of which articulates tangible goals and objectives that intersect research, teaching, and learning for all.
The first priority, Building Connection through Interdisciplinarity, details our plans to build on our solid base of interdisciplinary strength by expanding even further collaboration in the areas of scholarship, teaching, and community engagement. It speaks as well to the leadership role Arts can play in pan-University interdisciplinary initiatives; a role also made explicit in the University’s vision of Waterloo at 100.
Such a leadership role is directly connected to our second priority area, Effecting Social Impact. The profound knowledge and understanding of humanity – its successes and its failures – brought to the table by Arts disciplines is crucial. Our work addresses problems of global importance in the areas of equity, mental health, climate change, governance, conflict, refugees, racism, poverty, finance, cybersecurity, and reconciliation, to name but a few, and increasingly interdisciplinary teams feature a breadth of proficiencies, from physics to philosophy, computers to communication, engineering to English.
Our commitment to preparing our students for active engagement in a civil and just society finds expression in the third priority, Fostering Student Agency. Our students are encouraged to pursue learning that sets them on a path to both wisdom and humility as they acquire knowledge and insight not only about the world, but about themselves. A key mission for our Faculty is to empower our students to realize their full potential and continue to improve their capacity to become socially-minded leaders.
Working together
I am deeply proud of the Faculty of Arts — faculty, staff, students, and alumni —for the countless expressions of solidarity in the wake of June 28, and for the contributions to our strategic plan. In fact, I am excited about this plan. It was built with significant community effort, and I wish to express my sincere gratitude to those of you who gave your time and effort to help your alma mater in this vitally important initiative. We look forward to inviting your further participation in achieving our shared goals.
Of course, I would be remiss in not acknowledging also the vital support furnished by my personal assistant, whom you see here providing input on an early draft of the plan. →