Wednesday, April 20, 2022 7:00 pm
8:00 pm
EDT (GMT -04:00)

Congratulations Class of 2022. You made it! To honour your achievements, we invite you to join us at Grad Class Send-Off 2022.
You’ve been a student for several years, but you will be a part of our Arts alumni family for life. Learn about the perks of joining the alumni club, and how you can stay connected to the University of Waterloo! Reminisce with your fellow graduands, alumni, join us for some games and Waterloo trivia, and find out who will be your class valedictorian.
Registration is required.
Thank you to everyone who submitted photos. The contest is now closed. Join us at Grad Class Send-Off 2022 on April 20th at 7pm, where the winner of the draw will be announced.
We look forward to seeing you!