Join Waterloo's Associate Vice-President, Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs, Jeff Casello at this Grad Talks event exploring the role of the university in today's world, featuring Brittany Etmanski, PhD Candidate,Sociology and Legal Studies, and Christin Taylor, PhD Candidate English Language and Literature.
The Role of the University in the Modern World
Knowledge is vital to modern societies and economies. What is the role of the university in the modern world? How do technology, politics and globalization change the role of universities today as compared to the past? How are the values of the modern world fostering change in universities? How do universities change our perceptions of modern life?
About the speakers

Brittany Etmanski, PhD Candidate
Sociology and Legal Studies
Faculty of Arts
Brittany examines the employment pathways of social science PhDs both within and outside of academia.

Christin Taylor, PhD Candidate
English Language and Literature
Faculty of Arts
Christin historicizes the neoliberal shift towards the internationalization of the University. She also examines the impact of that shift on the administration and creation of first-year writing courses.