Margaret Price on a different way of thinking about disability in the academy

Monday, February 13, 2017 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm EST (GMT -05:00)

How do disabled faculty react to and reshape the academy? Disability studies (DS) has reached a point that Margaret Price calls a "crisis of precarity" -  a state in which neoliberal logics of wealth, privilege, and power are replicated within DS, doing material violence to some members of the discipline, while the discipline itself continues to flourish. Price outlines the ways DS has reached this crisis of precarity, and in response, offers a different way of thinking about disability, a theory of crip spacetime.

To illustrate this theory, she presents findings from an interview study with disabled faculty. Her analysis of these findings illustrates ways that precarity manifests for disabled faculty, but also ways that, through collective accountability, we can push back against the neoliberal logics of the university. Through acts of micro-rebellion as well as efforts toward structural change, we can work toward greater justice, not only for disabled individuals, but also within the discipline of DS itself. Although her analysis was based on faculty members, she draws attention to information and strategies that are applicable to all UW employees as well as students.

About the speaker

Margaret Price is an associate professor of English at The Ohio State University, specializing in disability studies and rhetoric, composition, and literacy.

poster with photo of Margaret Price

Event details

Refreshments will be served. Seating is limited – please register early.

CART (Communication Access Realtime Transcription) services provided.


This event is sponsored in part by (in no particular order): Renison University College, the Equity Office; Human Resources; the Women’s Studies program; the UW Staff Association; the Department of Sexuality, Marriage, and Family Studies; and the Dean of Arts Office.

Want more?

Don't miss the faculty/employee workshop, "Creating a Culture of Access for Mental Disability in University Space," on February 14.