Development and Assessment of 360° Virtual Reality Laboratory Modules for Deep Learning and Advanced Engineering Learning Outcomes

Project Team

Mingqian (John) Zhang, Chemical Engineering

Mark Morton, Centre for Teaching Excellence

Jeff Gostick, Chemical Engineering

Mario Ioannidis, Chemical Engineering

Felicia Pantazi, Centre for Extended Learning

Project Summary

This project will develop and assess a comprehensive Online Learning Resource (OLR) of theoretical and practical significance, based on three hands-on, project-based laboratories in two stand-alone lab courses. The OLR will integrate theoretical content and engineering design, and leverage immersive learning technologies (360° interactive virtual reality (VR), multimedia, and real-time process simulation) to create a highly integrated and interactive online learning resource.

Once developed, the OLR will be deployed into the previously mentioned project-based laboratory courses. Subsequently, we will collect relevant data and use statistical assessment instruments to investigate the impact of the OLR on deep learning and acquisition of advanced learning outcomes. By “deep learning,” we mean learning in the social constructivism sense, in which the components of the learning are connected to a student’s pre-existing learning in an insightful and authentic way, resulting in enhanced application of the underlying concepts and improved long-term retention of the knowledge.


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