Integrative and Experiential Learning Series: Course Design IEL
While ChatGPT has dominated university discussions about AI, there have been parallel advancements in AI image generators. In this experiential and interactive session, attendees will be guided through a sample AI image generation exercise that you can consider adapting to your own courses. The School of Planning’s Dr. Katherine Perrott and urban design student, Micheal Glazyrin, will facilitate this session, drawing out both the opportunities and constraints of image-based generative AI.
One of the questions that often comes up with respect to experiential learning is, “How do we assess this learning?” Toni Serafini and Carm De Santis (SMF) shared their experiences with assessing these more challenging-to-assess learning experiences.
Based on experiences with simulations in an International Relations classroom, Veronica Kitchen discussed how to find or plan simulations, and how to integrate them into your courses. Her student, Istvan Szepesi, discussed how the student experience is changed by the inclusion of games and simulations.
Carrie Mitchell and her two former students described how Carrie encourages collaborative, creative experiential learning in PLAN 102 - a large first-year class.
Kelly Anthony discussed findings from a research project she and Jenna Van Draanen undertook to determine if providing CSL opportunities for a small group of students who would then ‘peer-‘teach’ their classmates would enhance student experience and engagement in class for both CSL and non-CSL students without requiring the resources to coordinate volunteer service for an entire class.
Bryan Grimwood shared activities he incorporated into his Rec 230 Outdoor Recreation Resources Management class of 100 students to help his students get to know each other and interact with each other about substantive matters. Michelle and Zack, former students of Bryan’s, shared how participating in these activities shaped their learning.
SPHS instructors Diane Williams and Jennifer Yessis co-taught a course they’d co-designed together in collaboration with Tania del Matto and Erin Hogan (United College, Green House) to determine if many hands really do make for light work.
Building on our previous webinars Integrating Reflection into Teaching and Learning and Strategies for Helping Students Make Connections, we’ll explore how we can help students develop their reflection skills through the use of assessment and feedback.
Review the experiential learning landscape as it appears during these extraordinary times, and learn how your colleagues across campus have addressed the situation.
During this session, Arts Teaching Fellow and Philosophy instructor Shannon Dea described her recent use of "à la carte" assessment in a lower division Philosophy/Women's Studies class. Dea had set aside 45% of the course grade for the students to design for themselves.
Dr. Kelly Anthony discussed her involvement with the Community Service Learning group and how she has been able to make a Community Service learning opportunity available as an option to students in her course.
Judene Pretti and Sandra Loucks Campbell described the types of activities they have incorporated into their respective online courses to help students integrate experience.
This webinar is the first in a series of webinars taking a closer look at reflection and answering questions like: Where does reflection fit in to your and your students’ plans? What should students reflect on? How can you get started designing reflective activities for your course? What are some approaches you can take to assessing reflection?
Joslin and Mandy Gu discussed the benefits and challenges associated with integrating written reflective assignments into a course that traditionally does not focus on reflective activities.
In the fall 2011, the School of Accounting and Finance launched a sequence of courses called "Learning to Integrate." Nancy, Tim, Shannon and Anson shared the benefits and challenges encountered as they worked together to help students make connection across courses throughout the program and between academic and community, social, and work environments.
In this session, we covered the history of the Living Lab program at Waterloo, heard from students and instructors that have participated in Living Lab projects, and perused some of the sustainability projects looking for matching courses.
Leeann Ferries shared her experience and lessons learned while integrating ePortfolios into her course for the first time- how she introduced the ePortfolios to the students, how she assessed the ePortfolio activity, what worked and what she’ll consider doing in the future.
Developed at the University of Edinburgh, SLICCs promote student ownership of their learning by allowing students to co-create their learning experience, leading to deeper student engagement.
Troy Glover described how collaborating with a community partner provided students in his Rec 220: Program Management and Evaluation course the opportunity to apply course theory and content to designing, delivering, and evaluating an actual program.
Steve Lambert and David Effa focused on how to use case studies in class, including a demonstration of case-based teaching using an actual case study.
Steve Balaban (SAF) and his students describedand demonstratedsome of the various exciting, interactive exercises that Steve plans for his students to help them make sense of concepts related to finance and help them develop skills they'll need outside the classroom.