Introducing Reflective Written Assignments into a Statistics Course... Is that Even Possible?


  • Joslin Goh, Associate Director, Statistical Consulting Centre, STAT 331 course instructor
  • Mandy Gu, STAT 331 student

Joslin Goh described how she integrated reflective writing assignments into an upper level stats course to help students identify and articulate the professional skills they were developing as they completed their stats course assignments. Bonus marks were added to students who completed the reflective exercises. Despite the assumption that ‘stats students don’t write, or stats students don't 'do reflections', Joslin was pleasantly surprised at the number of students who chose to participate, and even more pleased with the improvement in the quality of the reflections as the students progressed through the term.

When we provide students the opportunity to reflect on their learning, specifically professional skills such as teamwork, leadership and communication that are implicit in the process of completing course assignments, we push students to think about their education in a way they traditionally have not been asked to do before. In doing so, we help them bridge the "articulation of skills" gap.

Joslin and Mandy Gu discussed the benefits and challenges associated with integrating written reflective assignments into a course that traditionally does not focus on reflective activities.  

Further Resources:

Introducing Reflective Written Assignments presentation slides