Developing Students' Metacognitive Skills (CTE748)

Wednesday, October 7, 2015 10:00 am - 11:30 am EDT (GMT -04:00)

Location: EV1 241

Notes: This workshop is part of the Focus on Teaching Week offerings through CTE. Open to faculty (registration is required).

Description: Students who are able to effectively plan, monitor, and evaluate their learning are more likely to be successful than those who struggle with these metacognitive skills. Instructors can help students to improve their "thinking about their own thinking” by incorporating metacognitive thinking strategies into their classes, assignments and assessments. In this workshop, participants will apply a metacognitive lens to their teaching as they learn several easy to use strategies to integrate metacognitive skill development into their courses.  Participants are asked to bring the course outline for the course on which they intend to work during the session.


Christine Zaza, CTE and Monica Vesely, CTE


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