Statements of Teaching Philosophy (CTE196)

Thursday, October 26, 2017 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

Location: TC 1208

Facilitator: Tommy Mayberry, CTE


Since most job candidates are asked to provide a "teaching statement" or a "statement of teaching philosophy" when applying for academic positions, it’s essential to understand what makes these documents effective. In this workshop, we’ll walk through the components of successful teaching statements and use hands-on activities to help you brainstorm ideas for communicating your own teaching philosophy to hiring committees.


Registration is through the Centre for Career Action.

Please make sure you click on the "For Graduate Students" tab to see the workshop on the calendar.

Fundamentals program credit

To receive a Fundamentals credit, you sign the attendance form from CTE staff at the workshop and arrive on time and stay for the entire workshop.

This workshop should be of special interest to Fundamentals participants who are interested in joining the Certificate in University Teaching (CUT) program.


The University of Waterloo is committed to achieving barrier-free accessibility for persons with disabilities who are studying, working, or visiting at Waterloo. If you have questions concerning access, such as parking, building layouts, or obtaining information in alternative formats, or wish to request accommodations for a CTE workshop or event, please contact CTE via email ( or phone (ext. 33857) and include the session’s title and date. Our workshops typically involve a mix of presentation and discussion-based activities, and we encourage a scent-free environment. We also welcome accompanying assistants, interpreters, or note-takers; notify us if accommodations are needed in this regard. Please note that some accommodations may require time to arrange.