Recipients of a 2017 Learning Innovation and Teaching Enhancement (LITE) Full Grant have launched a YouTube channel featuring 18 instructional videos with the support of the grant's funds. The channel, Engineering Models, was created in 2015; the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering's Wayne Brodland, Rania Al-Hammoud, and Kayleanna Giesigner recently added 10 LITE-grant funded videos to the channel to augment key experiential learning activities that students undertake in CIVE 104. Time constraints mean that students are able to complete only two of the seven hands-on learning activities designed for the course in class. With this new suite of videos, students will be able to vicariously experience each of Dr. Brodland's seven hands-on learning models covering topics like arches and chains and soil and water pressures. Now in the second year of their LITE Grant project, the trio of educational researchers are studying the impact of the videos on student learning.
Funded by the Office of the Associate Vice President, Academic, and administered by CTE, LITE Grants are awarded annually through two grant programs: Seed and Full Grants. LITE Grants can help Waterloo faculty and staff assess new approaches to teaching and learning, examine the effectiveness of existing instructional approaches, and pursue instructional development opportunities to enhance their teaching.
Are you interested in learning more about Waterloo's LITE Grants? Visit our LITE Grant pages or contact Crystal Tse, Instructional Developer, Research and Consulting.