Case Writing and Case Teaching Workshops
April 15-19, 2013
Over 5 days from April 15 to 19, 2013 two intensive workshops on Case Writing and Case Teaching will be offered at the University of Waterloo by facilitators from the Richard Ivey School of Business at Western University, a recognized authority on Case-Based Learning (CBL).
- April 15-17: Writing Cases. 25 participants maximum. Now full.
- April 18-19: Teaching Cases. 40 participants maximum. Some spaces still available.
[Update: As of March 23, the maximum number of participants has been increased for both workshops -- from 15 and 25 respectively -- thanks to the Richard Ivey School of Business making an additional facilitator available.]
Deadline for applications: 4:30 PM, Monday, April 8, 2013. Remaining space will be allocated on a first-come first-served basis. Only complete applications with payment will be considered.
Case-Based Learning Project: Background
There is a growing interest among University of Waterloo instructors in using Case Studies as “real world” examples to show students how to apply their knowledge and skills. Case-Based Learning is a useful complement to traditional teaching methods and has proven to be an effective training model to develop a deeper working knowledge of course content, while promoting increased student motivation and participation throughout the learning process (Dunne & Brooks, 2004).
The Case-Based Learning Project is an initiative by 10 collaborators from 4 faculties who received a Learning Innovation and Teaching Enhancement (LITE) grant. Our goal to build capacity for instructors at the University of Waterloo who are interested in using Case-Based Learning in their undergraduate and graduate teaching. We also hope to build a community of practice to share knowledge and experience about writing and teaching with cases.
Over 15,000 people in 40 countries have completed the internationally recognized workshops offered by the Richard Ivey School of Business on using Case-Based Learning. These workshops are valued at $2,450 each when taken at Ivey. Our LITE grant will subsidize the cost of these workshops for participants.
Who Should Participate
Case-Based Learning can be applied in any discipline. Anyone with an interest in writing their own case studies or teaching with case studies should consider attending. The workshops are applicable to those who are new to using cases and those who have experience but want to improve their skills.
Writing Cases: April 15-17, 2013
Cost: $200 (regular cost at Ivey: $2,450). Maximum of 25 participants. Now full.
This workshop is focused on how to write good cases quickly. Each participant will write a short field-based case and preliminary teaching note, working through all steps of the case writing process. Participants will also review one another's cases at various stages of completion.
NOTE: The case writing workshop requires that some preparatory work be completed prior to the workshop. Details will be available here in the near future.
Teaching Cases: April 18-19, 2013
Cost: $200 (regular cost at Ivey: $2,450). Maximum of 40 participants. Some spaces still available.
This workshop is focused on effectively using cases in your teaching. Participants work through all the steps in the case-teaching process using various exercises, group discussions and case-teaching practice sessions. This workshop is designed for those who are new to the use of cases for teaching, as well as those who have case teaching experience but want to improve their teaching effectiveness.
How to Apply
- Willingness to implement CBL in one or more courses (identify the course(s) and term(s) you plan to teach it).
- If you are not an instructor, you must identify an instructor for whom cases will be written, and the course(s) and the term(s) it will be offered.
- Willingness to participate in research about the use of CBL in the course(s) identified (e.g. survey and/or focus groups of students) and actively supporting the research.
- Willingness to participate in workshops and/or presentations to promote CBL within your department/school, faculty and campus-wide.
- Willingness to open your classroom to observation by instructors interested in learning about CBL.
Participants will be asked to briefly explain why they want to take one or both of the workshops.
Participants must receive signed approval from their unit’s Chair or Director to attend the workshops and to fulfill the responsibilities indicated on the application form.
Submit Completed Applications to:
Scott Anderson
Centre for Teaching Excellence (CTE)
EV1-325 (Environment 1, Room 325)
Selection Process
A small group of members of the Case-Based Learning Project will review the applications. Selection will be made based on the following:
- Commitment to one or more criteria noted above.
- Payment of participation fee (non-refundable after April 7th).
- Date/time application received.
- Participants from a diversity of departments and faculties.
Normally each of these workshops costs $2,450 per participant ($4,900 for both workshops) if taken at the Richard Ivey School of Business. Thanks to a Learning Innovation and Teaching Enhancement (LITE) grant, the cost to participants will be substantially subsidized:
- One workshop (either Case Writing OR Case Teaching) - $200 per participant
- Both workshops (Case Writing AND Case Teaching) - $300 per participant
In recognition of this reduced fee, participants are expected to make a commitment to implement what they learn and to help others at uWaterloo learn about Case Based Learning.
A light lunch will be provided daily and participants will receive three books published by the Richard Ivey School of Business: Teaching with Cases, Writing Cases, and Learning with Cases.
Payment can be made by UWaterloo Account Flexfield or by cheque payable to University of Waterloo.
Fees are non-refundable if participants cancel their registration or withdraw after April 7, 2013. We will not transfer funds or cash cheques until after your application has been approved.
If you have questions about the workshops, your application, or payment, please contact:
Scott Anderson
Centre for Teaching Excellence
EV1-325 (Environment 1, Room 325)
University of Waterloo
519-888-4567 x32509
Case-Based Learning Project Collaborators
Below are the collaborators who received a Learning Innovation and Teaching Enhancement (LITE) grant for this project:
Scott Anderson, B.Sc.
Faculty Liaison, Centre for Teaching Excellence
Kelly Anthony, Ph.D.
Lecturer, School of Public Health and Health Systems
Teaching Fellow, Faculty of Applied Health Sciences
James Barnett, CA, FCA
Continuing Lecturer, School of Accounting and Finance
Greg Berberich, Ph.D., CA
Lecturer, Associate Director, Teaching and Learning, School of Accounting and Finance
Jack P. Callaghan, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Kinesiology
Canada Research Chair In Spine Biomechanics & Injury Prevention
Diana E. De Carvalho, M.Sc., D.C.
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Kinesiology
Chad E. Gooyers, M.Sc.
Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Kinesiology
Patricia Hrynchak, O.D., FAAO
Clinical Lecturer, School of Optometry and Vision Science
Jennifer Lynes, Ph.D.
Associate Professor and Director, Environment and Business, School of Environment, Enterprise, and Development
Nancy Vanden Bosch, CA, CMA
Continuing Lecturer, School of Accounting and Finance
References & Resources
- Dunne, D. & Brooks, K. (2004). Teaching with cases. Halifax: Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education.
Erskine, J., Leenders, M., and Mauffette-Leenders, L. (2003). Teaching with Cases, 3rd Edition, Ivey Publication Services, Richard Ivey School of Business, Western University, London, Ontario, Canada.
Erskine, J., Leenders, M., and Mauffette-Leenders, L. (2012) Learning with Cases, 4th Edition, Ivey Publication Services, Richard Ivey School of Business, Western University, London, Ontario, Canada.
Mauffette-Leenders, L., Erskine, J. and Leenders, M. (2001) Writing Cases, 4th Edition, Ivey Publication Services, Richard Ivey School of Business, Western University, London, Ontario, Canada.
- Learning Innovation and Teaching Enhancement (LITE) Grants
- Richard Ivey School of Business Case Method Workshops
- Richard Ivey School of Business