Tuesday, February 7, 2017 9:30 am
3:30 pm
EST (GMT -05:00)
Location: EV1 242 Notes: Open to faculty and staff (registration is required)
This six-hour workshop introduces the principles of sound course design to faculty and teaching staff with little or no prior teaching experience running courses of their own.
By the end of this workshop, you should be able to:
- Define intended learning outcomes
- Select assessments that demonstrate achievement of defined intended learning outcomes
- Identify teaching activities to support students in preparing for the selected assessments
- Evaluate your course for alignment between intended learning outcomes, teaching / learning activities and formative / summative assessments
- Create a concept map for your course
Note: Workshop is also open for new faculty
Facilitator: Kyle Scholz, CTE and Monica Vesely, CTE
Help with registration.