Waterloo Experiential Learning Institute

The Waterloo Experiential Learning (ExL) Institute is an intensive, two-day workshop that guides individuals or teams through the process of developing and integrating an experiential learning component into their course or program. 

By the end of the Institute, participants will leave with comprehensive plan, based on peer feedback and consultation with teaching and learning consultants, for the creation and implementation of their EL component incorporating pedagogy, experience, assessment, and reflection.

Institute participants are eligible to apply for the Waterloo ExL Institute Project Grant. The Grant will provide funding up to $5000 to support costs associated with implementing the experiential learning component.

Preference will be given to applications that demonstrate integration of the EL component into the program curriculum. Teams seeking to link an assignment or assignments "horizontally" (across courses in a term) or "vertically" (across courses in different terms or years) are encouraged to apply. 

Individual participants or team leads can submit an Expression of Interest for the Institute online.

If you have questions, please contact Katherine Lithgow