How we can help

CTE staff are available to help you throughout the LITE Grant process, from discussing preliminary research ideas to disseminating your results.

Annik Bilodeau and Brianna Bennett opening the 2024 University of Waterloo Teaching and Learning conference

Contact Annik Bilodeau, Educational Developer, Research and Consulting (left), or Brianna Bennett, Educational Research Associate (right), for support at any stage of the research and LITE Grant process. ​

Guidelines for Recruitment

If you are looking to recruit UW faculty and staff in CTE venues and/or CTE promotions (Newsletters, In the Loop, UWTL, Workshops), we first ask that your research meet the following guidelines:

  1. The research study must have been cleared by the Office of Research Ethics (ORE) prior to recruitment.   
  2. The CTE communications (such as CTE newsletter, CTE newsreel, Faculty Liaisons’ monthly newsletter, social media) must be mentioned explicitly in the Ethics Protocols cleared by the ORE. If it does not appear in the initial version of the Protocols, an amendment must be submitted and approved prior to recruitment.   
  3. The ORE clearance number must appear in every communication to potential participants, using this language: “This study has received the Office of Research Ethics clearance ### on (date).”  
  4. Recruitment can only target UW faculty or staff members (not Waterloo students or external faculty and staff members).   
  5. UWTL: only posters and flyers of modest proportions (max. 8.5x11 inches) can be posted or distributed. Posters and flyers need to be sent for review to the Organizing Committee 1 week before the conference; we recommend using a QR code or a URL shortener to showcase your study.   
  6. Written communications (e.g. CTE newsletter, CTE newsreel, Faculty Liaisons’ monthly newsletter, social media): Only a short blurb (under 75 words, not including the language requested in point 3) will be disseminated; you can link to a website with more details about the study.  


Before you submit an application:

  • In order for your application to be considered, applicants are required to meet with Annik Bilodeau or Brianna Bennett within the first three weeks of the term. This meeting must occur, at the latest, one week prior to the submission deadline. At this meeting, we will discuss your project proposal and research plan, and suggest ways to enhance the quality and clarity of the application.
  • We can also:
    • Offer advice on whether your project idea is eligible for LITE grant funding.
    • Provide answers to your questions about the LITE grant application process.
    • Provide feedback on LITE grant proposals before submission.
    • Support the development of your project by helping you define your research questions and student learning outcomes, determine an appropriate methodology for collecting data, identify relevant resources, and more. 

Once you've submitted an application, we can:

  • Answer any questions you have about the review process and any feedback you receive from reviewers. Once reviewers have reviewed your application, you may be asked to respond to questions or make revisions based on their feedback before notification of whether your application was successful. 

Once you've received funding, we can:

Resources for reporting and dissemination



Conferences are an excellent opportunity to share your LITE grant findings. Here are some conferences focused on teaching and learning research that you might consider submitting a proposal to:

Local Conferences

National/International Conferences

For additional (including discipline-specific) conferences, visit our Teaching and Learning Research Guide.


Consult the “Dissemination” page on our Teaching and Learning Research Guide for journals to consider submitting a paper to.

Sharing your results with colleagues on campus 

Plan talks, “lunch and learns”, or meetings within your department, faculty, or unit. Contact Annik Bilodeau or Brianna Bennett for support in planning these events.

Acknowledging funding

Please use the following statement to acknowledge LITE Grant funding in presentations and publications: “This research was supported by the University of Waterloo’s Learning Innovation and Teaching Enhancement Grant.”

For posters and presentations, please use the LITE Grant visual identity (JPG).