Purpose of the PhD seminar requirement

Each candidate for the PhD degree must present at least 3 publicly announced School seminars (or lectures, possibly in 700 level courses) during the program (on average one seminar each year, for three years). The purpose of this requirement is twofold:

  1. it ensures that each student participates in the academic life of the School
  2. it provides an opportunity for students to hone their presentational skills.


Each one-hour seminar should be attended by (at least) the student's supervisor and one other faculty member of the School of Computer Science, at least one of whom must be a regular faculty member in SCS. These faculty will be required to assess the quality of the presentation. The student or supervisor should obtain the PhD Seminar Requirement form (PDF) from the School's Graduate Office and return it after each seminar has been given and two signatures have been obtained. This milestone will be met when the 3 seminars have been completed.

Candidates should arrange the posting of their seminar at least 10 days prior to the seminar by contacting csphd@uwaterloo.ca and providing the required details. The date and time must be pre-approved by the candidate's supervisor and the other attending School faculty member.