CS prof speaking to first-year CS students at the CS Welcome Event

Welcome first-year Computer Science students!

Computer science is the study of information, which includes its nature, properties, structure, and classification. In this field, students will explore how to store, retrieve, and process information by building programs, developing software, designing algorithms, etc. to manage large scale problems. Since computer science stems from mathematics, Computer Science students will require a strong background in mathematics to prepare them for a successful career. For this reason, first-year students in Computer Science take a common set of first-year Faculty of Mathematics core courses.

1A (First year, first term) 1B (First year, second term)
  1. CS 115 or 135* - Introduction to Computer Science 1 or Designing Functional Programs 
  2. MATH 135* - Algebra
  3. MATH 137* - Calculus 1
  4. One communication skills course
  5. One elective
  1. CS 116 or 136* - Introduction to Computer Science 2 or Algorithm Design and Data Abstraction
    • CS136L (if taking CS136) - Tools and Techniques for Software Development
  2. MATH 136* - Linear Algebra 1
  3. MATH 138* - Calculus 2
  4. One elective
  5. One elective
*Useful tip: you can choose advanced-stream courses for computer science, algebra, calculus, and if you meet their requirements. 

As a first year CS student, we recommend that you should review the following to set yourself up for success:

  1. The New Math Students website - Perfect for brand new Math/CS students, this page has everything you may want to know regarding course selection/enrollment for first year, MTHEL 99, transfer credits, etc.
  2. First-year frequently asked questions - Have a question? Take a look in our CS Advising FAQ as we might already have an answer for you. 
  3. Our "Welcome to CS Advising" video - Walks you through everything you need to know about our CS pages and how to find information.
  4. Make life-long friends by connecting with the Computer Science Club and/or the Women in Computer Science (WiCS).

1A Computer Science (CS) course rule

Normally, students can only add or swap courses during the first two weeks of the term, but since students need to choose their first CS course before they come to campus, we have a special rule.

The rule only applies to some students enrolled in CS 135 (fall and winter terms) or CS 145 (fall term).

  • You must be a first-year student in their 1A term who has never been previously registered for full-time study at a degree-granting post-secondary institution (e.g. a university or college).

If you are eligible, you may transfer from CS 135 into CS 115 or from CS 145 into CS 135 until:

  • October 22 for the Fall term 
  • February 14 for the Winter term (if February 14 is a weekend or holiday, the deadline becomes the first school day after February 14). 

Students who want to drop down can do so by contacting the MUO by email (mathuo@uwaterloo.ca). When emailing the MUO, please include your full name, student ID, and the lecture and tutorial for the NEW course including the four digit course number.

Students that are unsure about their decision can talk to a CS advisor. If switching courses is deemed appropriated, then the CS advisor will help facilitate the transfer by contacting the MUO.

Note that the transfer is not guaranteed. There has to be room in a section of the new course that fits your schedule.

This rule does not apply to CS 136 or CS 146 or other enriched courses. For those courses, the usual drop/add period rules apply.

What happens after I transfer?

When you are transferred into the new course, assessments are due starting three days after your transfer is approved. Marks from your old course are ignored. Any assignments missed prior to the transfer will have their weights redistributed. 

Make sure you contact the instructor of your new course to introduce yourself and explain your situation so that they can make adjustments to their marks breakdown.

After first year and beyond

After first year, the below buttons will help you to continue preparing your success in CS: