
Resources for students from Pakistan

Meet students from around the world

Students from more than 120 countries choose to study at Waterloo each year. Through your classes and our many student experience opportunities, you'll meet students from across Canada and around the world.

Here are some ways for you to connect with students from Pakistan or with other international students.

Student spotlight: Shayan

Shayan is studying engineering and is originally from Pakistan.

What were you looking for in a university?

I was looking for a university which would provide quality education. At the same time, I also wanted to go abroad and experience what it's like living in a different culture than the one from home.

I chose Waterloo because of its good reputation and excellent engineering program. The co-op program is another reason for coming to Waterloo as it allows you to apply your university education in real life.

What did you expect from Waterloo before arriving?

Before starting university, I thought university will be the same difficulty as high school. It's not; it's a lot more work on the academic side, plus being able to take care of yourself. Other than that, everything was just what I was expecting.

Student standing outside with fall colours behind him

Shayan's favourite part of Waterloo is being in co-op. "It allows me to travel around Canada and visit new places. At the same time, I also get to use whatever I learn in school in real life."

Was there anything that was different from your expectation?

Probably the weather! I mean I was expecting it to be a lot colder than how it actually was. Back home, everyone warned me how cold it gets in Canada and to always keep yourself covered. However, when winter came, I loved it. I would say it's my favourite season here.

Why do you think Waterloo is a good fit for students from your country?

I think Waterloo is a good fit because of the diverse programs offered here. Most of these programs aren't available back home and if someone wants to pursue them, Waterloo is a good choice.

Waterloo is a really competitive university so be prepared to work hard and give your all. People are very friendly so never be afraid to ask help from anyone.

A global educator from Pakistan

Kashif Memon navigated through complex supply chains of feudal lords and military forces to transport food from Pakistani farmers and fishermen to a Persian Gulf port and on to Britain.

Now Memon is passing on the lessons he’s learned in the real world to Science and Business students at Waterloo. For his skill at sharing the insights he gained on Pakistan’s dangerous frontier, Memon has received a Distinguished Teacher Award.

Helpful resources


Contact Karuna Ausman at if you have questions about applying from Pakistan

If you have questions about your application, email