Visitor parking and tips for campus tours

Plan to arrive at least 20-30 minutes early so you can park, check in at the Visitors Centre, and use the washroom or grab a snack before your tour starts. Bring coins ($7) or a credit card to pay for parking.

Where to park

  • Follow University Avenue West to Seagram Drive - the main entrance to the University of Waterloo.
  • Turn south onto Seagram Drive, away from the University of Waterloo entrance.

Road sign with traffic light

Parking lot sign

  • Park and then locate one of the blue ticketing booths.
  • Parking for the day is $7. We accept credit cards or exact change in coins.
  • Display your ticket face up on your dashboard.

The parking ticket booth

Walk to the Visitors Centre

  • Walk back to the University and Seagram intersection.
  • Cross University Avenue, walking towards the campus.
  • View on Google Maps.

Map to Visitor Centre

  • You will check in for your tour at the Visitors Centre in South Campus Hall (SCH).

Visitor Centre

Tips for your campus tour

Wear comfortable shoes and check the weather – it's a 90-minute walking tour. Your tour guide will be happy to answer your questions, so don't be shy, ask away! Here are some examples to get you started.

  • Why did you decide to come to Waterloo?
  • What do you like best about your program?
  • What do you like best about Waterloo?
  • What residence did you live in your first year?
  • What did you find the most challenging during your first year here?
  • What is the most important thing you’ve learned so far?
  • What is a WatCard and where can I use it?
  • How large will my classes be?
  • What is the social life like at Waterloo?
  • What activities can I get involved in on and off campus?