Performance review FAQ

Below is a list of the common questions Human Resources (HR) receives each year related to the performance appraisal.

What if I don’t like my performance rating?

Performance ratings cannot be grieved. If you are unhappy with the information on your appraisal you can discuss with your manager or your manager’s manager or department head.

My manager hasn’t given me my performance review. What should I do?

Discuss with your manager the need for you to receive formal feedback on your performance. You can refer to both Policy 5 and 18 which outline your right to an appraisal. If your manager still does not provide you with an appraisal, talk with your manager’s manager or your human resources advisor.

What happens if I’m promoted?

When you are promoted to a higher level position your rating may change. You have now taken on higher level responsibilities and the expectations for performance have been re-set.

What happens if I’m promoted or transferred to a job in another department?

Your new manager and your former manager may share responsibility for your performance appraisal depending upon the timing of your move to the new department.

I was absent due to maternity/paternity leave. How is my performance rating handled?

Over the 12-month rating period, where there are fewer than eight months of on-the-job performance to assess, your performance rating will normally be based on the average of your overall performance ratings in the three previous years (or the number of years available when fewer than three, with a 'satisfactory' rating applied as necessary for new employees).