Please contact the instructor informally regarding your concern as soon as possible and at least within six months of receipt of the grade.
If you are not satisfied with the response, contact the Associate Chair for Undergraduate Studies in the Department of Psychology (a written petition is preferred but not necessary) as well as to the course mentor who was assigned to the instructor regarding your complaint. Only a few Psychology courses have course mentors. The name of the course mentor (if applicable) is available from the Associate Chair.
The Associate Chair (currently Stephanie Denison) will attempt to understand your complaint, convey the complaint to the instructor, obtain the instructor's response, and convey that response to you.
If you are not satisfied with the response, the Associate Chair will appoint an uninvolved faculty member (one acceptable to you) to look into the case and make a recommendation to the Associate Chair. The Associate Chair will then convey the recommendation to you.
If you are not satisfied with the recommendations, you may take the case to the Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies for the Faculty of Arts (see Policy 70).
See University and Faculty policies for further details.