CTN Fall Research Day Oct 17

Tuesday, October 17, 2023 4:30 pm - 7:00 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

The University of Waterloo's Centre for Theoretical Neuroscience will be holding its Fall Research Day this October 17 from 16:30 - 19:00 in QNC 0101 (https://uwaterloo.ca/map/).

From 16:30 - 17:30 there will be faculty short talks (about 5 minutes each) to give an overview of the different labs affiliated with the CTN and what their scientific projects are.

From 17:30 to 18:00 there will be time for cookies, coffee and discussion (if you are interested in sharing a poster during this time let me know so I can give you the details of how it will work).

From 18:00 - 19:00 there will be a series of short (think 3 minute thesis style) talks by post-docs and graduate students working with Centre faculty.

If you have any questions just write to me <britt@uwaterloo.ca> or Reza Ramezan <rramezan@uwaterloo.ca>, my co-organizer.