CMHRT has re-opened their intake and are accepting referrals for current telepsychological services and future in person services
At the CMHRT, we are continuing to abide by directives from the University of Waterloo, which has suspended all in-person course-related activities and is asking all UW employees, faculty and students to work from home where possible.
Although we are unable to provide clinical psychological services in person at the CMHRT, we have begun to offer a limited number of teletherapy services via videoconferencing for individuals currently residing in Ontario. We are hoping to be able to provide in-person assessments, individual and group psychotherapy at some point in the future.
To that end, we have re-opened our intake and are accepting referrals for psychological services at the CMHRT. Please note that we are accepting referrals for some services that are not yet available (such as comprehensive psychological assessments). A waitlist has been initiated.