Priority enrolment: Research Intensive courses

Priority enrolment in Research Intensive courses

Advanced Data Analysis - PSYCH 391

Is it mostly BSc Psych and Research Intensive Specialization students who take PSYCH 391. These students should take PSYCH 391 in Fall 3A whenever possible (except ARBUS co-op students who should take it in Winter 3A).

Regarding the advanced research methods courses:

  • take 1 of the PSYCH 389 sections (offered Fall only) concurrently with PSYCH 391.
  • take 1 of the PSYCH 390 sections in Winter 3B (except co-op students who have a work term and should take it in Spring 3B).

ARBUS co-op students who take PSYCH 391 in Winter 3A should take PSYCH 389 in Fall 3B.

Advanced Research Methods Courses

The Psychology Department offers a limited number of spots in advanced research methods courses (PSYCH 389, 390) per year and cannot guarantee that you will be enrolled in your preferred choice of research course.

To facilitate students completing degree requirements in a reasonable amount of time, the Psychology Department reserves the right to:

  • restrict enrolment in PSYCH 389, 390. See access to Psychology courses for further details.
  • to establish procedures for priority enrolment in PSYCH 389, 390.  If you are on a waitlist for PSYCH 389 or PSYCH 390, be sure to indicate which course would be dropped in the event that we can enrol you in your waitlist course.

Substitutes for the advanced research methods courses (PSYCH 389/390):

PSYCH 484 - Directed Studies: Social Science Research

PSYCH 484 can substitute for the social science advanced research methods course (i.e., 1 of PSYCH 389).

See courses needing application forms for details and application deadlines.

If interested in taking more than the minimum number of required research methods courses, note that PSYCH 484 is not an antirequisite to PSYCH 389.

PSYCH 483 - Directed Studies: Natural Science Research

PSYCH 483 can substitute for the natural science advanced research methods course (i.e., 1 of PSYCH 390).

See courses needing application forms for details and application deadlines.

If interested in taking more than the minimum number of required research methods courses, note that PSYCH 483 is not antirequisite to PSYCH 390.

Psychological Measurement - PSYCH 492

PSYCH 492 is offered every fall and winter. This course usually reaches enrollment capacity only with BSc Psych and Research Intensive students, who have priority to take it because it is a required course for them. Students should take it in fourth year, and fourth year students have priority to get a spot over third year students.