Arts First scheduling for Fall 2024

We are collecting the below information to help in planning the Fall 2024 schedule for Arts First courses. 

This form must be completed by Monday, April 1 for instructor preferences and any constraints that may affect your ability to teach to be considered. 

Please review the following before completing this form:

Personal information
If you do not have a home department, enter "N/A."
Course information
Please confirm your course and topic details.
Please select the Arts First course that you are teaching.
Maximum 30 characters, including spaces.
Just a few sentences, please - this will be posted on our website for students.
Teaching preferences
Although it is our intention to accommodate all selections in this section, it may not be possible to do so.
Preferred teaching window
If you are teaching for your home department, your preferred window must match what you submitted there.
Preferred meet pattern(s)
If multiple meet patterns are selected, please specify your first preference.
Back-to-back courses
Teaching "back-to-back" means you have 10 minutes in-between classes. The default assumption is that you can teach back-to-back courses, if necessary - this includes any courses you are teaching for other departments.
Do you prefer to teach multiple courses on the same day (inlcuding courses for other departments) or spread out over the week?
For example, if teaching two courses, do you prefer to teach both on Monday/Wednesday (same day) or one on Monday/Wednesday and the other on Tuesday/Thursday (spread out)?
Are you teaching other UWaterloo courses in addition to your Arts First course? If yes, please list all courses.
We will use this information to prevent conflicts with your other courses.
Additional teaching constraints
If you have any constraints that limit your availability to teach within the provided windows, please indicate below. Level 1 Constraint: Documented medical, religious, disability, or other Human Rights accommodations. Medical accommodations must be arranged directly with an Occupational Health Nurse. Please note that all confidential Level 1 (medical/human rights) constraints should be directed to the Arts First Director.
Child care, partner care or elder care constraints will be honoured if possible. It is better to foresee and communicate these constraints than to have to change schedules after they have been set. Please list these constraints (days and times you cannot teach) here:
If you have constraints based on regularly scheduled university/faculty meetings, or if you teach elsewhere, list those (days and times you cannot teach) here:
Preferential requests will also be honoured if possible (e.g. commuter-related requests, personal time management reasons, personal preferences). It is better to foresee and communicate these constraints than to have to change schedules after they have been set. Please list these constraints (days and times you cannot teach) here:
Instructor requirements
I confirm that I have read the Best Practices for Instructors.
The Best Practices for Instructors are linked at the top of this form.
I plan to attend the Arts First fall instructor pre-term workshop (June for the Fall term, October for the Winter term)
All Arts First instructors are expected to attend a pre-term teaching workshop. This is a moment to discuss the aims of the program and work through sample syllabi and assignments. The workshop is a critically important part of Arts First: it allows us to ensure high-quality teaching across our disciplines. Instructors also tell us that it’s a meaningful experience to talk about pedagogy with their colleagues.
I plan to attend the Arts First instructor check-in during the teaching term.
I confirm that I have read the General Assignment Recommendations.
The General Assignment Recommendations are linked at the top of this form.