Tara Hebblethwaite

2020 Arts Young Alumni Award recipient, Tara Hebblethwaite, (BA '13 Legal Studies)

Tara Hebblethwaite headshot
Living with mental illness since childhood, Tara Hebblethwaite’s path to becoming a vocal advocate for mental health began after graduating from Waterloo with a life-changing moment in 2014 when she was a witness and 911 caller for a young man who died by suicide. With the support of grief counselling, Tara realized that seeing someone take their life was enough for her to stop losing any more days of her own life to mental illness. She chose to continue her path of healing and by 2016, Tara began to drive social change. Using her platform as a former Miss Oktoberfest, a role she was once ashamed to associate with mental illness, she became unstoppable in her community, sharing her story of hardship and transformation in a raw, vulnerable way.

In 2018 Tara’s passion for mental health advocacy prompted her to leave her legal career and work with Lutherwood, a leading centre for children’s mental health, where she is now an Employment Consultant, working to help barriered youth become skilled and employable. Tara is a 2018 recipient of the Rogers Women of the Year award for her advocacy. Her dedication and contributions to supporting a community where no one lives in silence, shame, or takes their life because of mental illness, is vital and worthy of high recognition.