
Fatima Awan

Program: Honours Arts

Year: 2A

Stream of Study: Co-op

Major(s): Political Science and Legal Studies

Minor(s): Public Policy and Administration

Hobbies / Interests: I love travelling, hiking, volunteering in my community, reading books and working on better my self. My interest include anything to do with giving back to people, working on myself, reading about current events and currently in the process of making a small youth mentorship program.

Why did you choose the University of Waterloo? The main reason I chose University of Waterloo is because of the how fulfilled I felt when I was interacting with admission officers and when I visited campus. Secondly, the co-op program was a huge selling point for me because it would provide me with some awesome work experience even before I graduate. Lastly, it has opportunities and is welcoming towards all students, staff members and alumni’s.

What do you like most about your program? I like the professor’s and how they seem to be so full of life with so much great stories and experiences. I also really like the students as it feels like everyone wants to help each other out and be there for one another.

One more thing about yourself? I am always able to help out when needed.

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