Grant Recipients
Angela Rooke, Student Success Office
Nada Alshehabi, Student Success Office
Min Huang, Student Success Office
(Project timeline: November 2023 - August 2024)

Angela Rooke

Nada Alshehabi

Min Huang
- This grant aims to pilot a for-credit academic skills course for students who are not enrolled in a Foundation Term.
- Since 2011, the Student Success Office has offered a for-credit academic skills course for students in the “Foundation Term”, a reduced load program for first- and second-year students who received a required-to-withdraw academic standing.
- In Winter 2024, the course will be piloted for students not enrolled in a Foundation Term, which allows us to assess the course learning outcomes without the additional variables presented by the Foundation Term.
- This project will deepen our understanding of this course’s learning outcomes by investigating how the course improves students’ academic self-concept and their metacognitive awareness
Questions Investigated
Does this course improve students’ self-perceptions of their academic capabilities, as measured by Reynolds’ (1998) Academic Self-Concept Scale at the beginning and end of the course?
What do students’ personal narratives (as described in their final paper) tell us about how the course content and assessments developed their self-regulated learning skills?