Funded LITE Grant Projects: Collaboration and Group Work
Investigating the impacts of reading with a partner on reading anxiety and text comprehension
Creation of a community of practice for collaborative skills as well as well as create a resource set for students and instructors
Examining student and instructor perceptions of Integrated Curriculum Design in collaboration with a Kazakhstan university
Assessing the impact of group work on connectedness as well as study and metacognition skills
Piloting a campus wide course on collaboration and assessing the efficacy
Reshaping Architecture education by applying participatory action research methodologies to promote empowered learning and student ownership of knowledge
Developing materials for instructors to use in collaborative group work that supports EDI goals
Creating and assessing teamwork training workshops for engineering students
Creation of a teamwork training program to demonstrate the value of such teaching
Interviewing and surveying instructors and students about their teamwork skills and attitudes
Measuring the impact of weekly group modules on group discussion and study habits
Examining the effects of student learning groups on the success and perceptions surrounding their efficacy
Designing a web framework for group projects in large classes and studying its impact on learning
Studying self-assessment of students in a team based interdisciplinary setting
Identifying threshold concepts in organized sport leadership
Instituting supported learning groups for historically difficult courses
Continuing the creation of an open-access intro textbook for Canadian politics though students’ submissions