Funded LITE Grant Projects
A catalogue of the projects the CTE has been able to fund through our LITE grant program.
Assessing the impact of incorporating a Twitter assignment into a Public Health and Nutrition course
Developing a fully online, open access course space for modern German cultural studies
Developing a problem-solving course for hands on learning in geomatics and assessing its’ efficacy
Using a more interactive and data-driven approach to an introductory knowledge integration course to facilitate deep learning
Implementing and assessing the inclusion of online modules
Implementing a picture book design project in an undergraduate math course
Reworking a high enrollment online business course to improve engagement by incorporating a business simulation
Piloting a community of practice to discuss the different ways active learning is incorporated in a variety of disciplines
Developing a decolonized framework for developing courses based on the Indigenous Seven Laws
Assessing social implications of discrimination in computing fields, assessing online versus in-person learning
Evaluating the effectiveness of balanced case studies in enhancing students’ competencies in sustainability management
Investigating the benefits of incorporating the MLSQ for first year students
Developing case studies for business forecasting
Developing a rubric for written reflections on the characteristics of lifelong learning (curiosity, initiative, transfer, resilience, and reflection)
Developing a framework for the observation and evaluation of student behaviours during in-class active learning activities.
Assessing the efficacy of engineering “Design Days”
Examining the effect of SLICC models for the public health capstone course
Investigating the impacts of reading with a partner on reading anxiety and text comprehension
Using artistic story books to correct math misconceptions in undergraduate studies
- Assessing the effectiveness of a novel wellness check-in activity among third-year pharmacy students
Evaluation of the efficacy of wellness checks in a demanding program like pharmacy
Piloting an undergraduate mental health literacy course and assessing its efficacy in information retention, stigma, and resilience
Pilot a for-credit academic skills course for students who are not enrolled in a Foundation Term
Creating a multi-media arts-based workshop that focuses on social analysis and change
Assessment of Quality and Impact of Student Peer Review in Progress Update Meetings in Management Engineering Capstone Design Courses
Creating an automatic assessment tool for feedback on programming assignments
Assessing the effect of feedback and response durations on learning
This exploratory study investigates potential grading methods for capstone design courses which are oriented toward holistic competencies.
Foregrounding disability-inclusive approaches in spatial design through workshops and the development of a microcredit course
Measuring the impact of online modules for biomechanics course
Creating a student-led conference to discuss the potential and barriers to interdisciplinary problem solving
Increasing the sample size and variation of a past study on career and competency ePortfolio efficacy
Implementing workshops for writing and using case studies for instructors who wish to use them
Creation of a community of practice for collaborative skills as well as well as create a resource set for students and instructors
Examining student and instructor perceptions of Integrated Curriculum Design in collaboration with a Kazakhstan university
Assessing the impact of group work on connectedness as well as study and metacognition skills
Investigating malleable mindsets in overcoming conflict and the effect of culturally valuing independence on student success
Examines the effect on students of participating in an academic course centred around the experiential learning and practice of mindfulness.
Revising the guidelines for faculty of health instructors for remote course delivery following the pandemic
Developing case studies for social marketing
Examining student awareness of identity markers and postcolonial theory
Implementing CivE days where students can completely immerse themselves in a simulated bridge design project
Piloting a campus wide course on collaboration and assessing the efficacy
Reshaping Architecture education by applying participatory action research methodologies to promote empowered learning and student ownership of knowledge
Evaluating the potential of using co-op student performance evaluation data as a source of external stakeholder input for graduation outcomes and improvements
Investigating the characteristics of regional CoPs and their effect on students, preceptors, and clinical coordinators
Assessing the impact of having community service learners in the classroom
Comparing the effectiveness of in-person clinical training to simulated experiences using AI in a virtual anticoagulation clinic to enhance student learning and refine teaching methods
Assessing how GenAI is used by students, instructors, and health-related employees to develop instructional recommendations for better preparing students for the workforce
Developing materials for instructors to use in collaborative group work that supports EDI goals
Using Integrated Curriculum Design to create improved Tourism Development curriculum and give students experience problem solving
Building a foundation for a Community of Practice regarding contemplative pedagogy
Investigating experiential learning opportunities for a course on diversity in leisure
Creating a ‘how-to’ toolkit for instructors integrating SLICC frameworks into their courses
Enhancing student support and the development of adaptive expertise among pharmacy students, examining the role of anxiety and its links to the curriculum
Piloting a workshop to address cultural implicit biases surrounding healthcare and health studies
Design co-teaching strategies and materials for two weeks of both GSJ 3xx and 101
Piloting, developing, and disseminating guidelines for introductory language courses
Piloting, developing, and disseminating guidelines for introductory language courses
Creating comics to support learning in computer science courses
Preventing procrastination in computer science projects via early feedback
Creation of an online learning resource that uses VR for engineering lab courses
Creating and assessing teamwork training workshops for engineering students
Creation and assessment of an Intellectual Property training workshop for 4th year engineering students
Investigating the impact of project-based laboratories on the learning in chemical engineering
Developing and testing an augmented reality app that displays and manipulates molecular structures
Creation of a clinical exam for Doctor of Optometry candidates
Creating a common rubric for oral communication to improve student learning and professional preparation across the Engineering curriculum
Identifying digital and media resources for a new philosophy course about quantum physics, scientific literacy, and technological literacy
Examining student’s experiences and successes in Tourism courses
Creating a new series of geography labs using a menu driven app for climate modelling
Investigating the effectiveness of implementing competency-based assessment and learning in a first-year core course for four engineering programs.
Creating a collaborative case study for 5 students from each department to process and develop problem solving strategies for social issues
Developing a “tool kit” on trauma-informed feminist pedagogy (TIFP).
Creating scaffolding for safe and collaborative learning
Certifying a lecturer in Disciplined Creativity for application in Entrepreneurship courses and Foursight assessments
Improving the Environment and business program instructors’ knowledge base of the 2+2 program offerings
Integrating game-based learning in computer science and assessing efficacy
Studying the effects of second language writing consultations on student self-assessment
Creation of a teamwork training program to demonstrate the value of such teaching
Creating a non-credit course for studying best practices for English Language Competencies, specifically discipline related extracurricular activities
Assessing ways to provide feedback and address core needs of students to improve their writing skills and piloting workshops based on instructor needs
Examining the efficacy of ePortfolio feedback in student’s ability to articulate and retain their learning
Developing a game for students to learn how to identify social, cultural, and ethical implications of their research
Developing and testing a cost-effective haptic knee manikin to enhance hands-on training for kinesiology students
This project seeks to investigate the potential SLICCs hold within the University of Waterloo (UW) context by adapting, piloting and evaluating the framework within three work-integrated learning (WIL) focused courses, and exploring its potential for use in other UW learning contexts.
Assessing the efficacy of the Ontario Pharmacy Patient Care Assessment tool
Efficacy assessment and reach enhancement of the Canadian design workshop, which is a UW conference for engineering design educators and researchers
Research has shown that comics are beneficial to various aspects of student learning; however, there is little scholarship focusing specifically on university mathematics courses. This project aims to narrow this research gap and to introduce the use of an innovative pedagogical tool designed to augment students’ learning experience.
Assessing the impact of sci-fi themed gamification for calculus in the sciences
Assessing the benefits various of dissertation boot camp types have on writing behaviors, confidence, and anxiety
Measuring the impact of an online feedback module set rooted in behavioral science
Assessing how integrating AI-driven Virtual Standardized Patients can improve pharmacy students’ clinical skills, diagnostic proficiency, and communication abilities
Investigating the impact of peer reviewing teaching in the school of pharmacy
Examining the effects of good writing habits on apprehension, self-efficacy, and self-assessment surrounding a writing assignment in an introductory health writing course
Explores the use of virtual reality (VR) in a 4th-year design course, focusing on practical challenges, opportunities, and the impact on student creativity and collaboration
Developing a process plant design case study
Examining the effects of mindfulness practices in a health studies writing course
Explores how engaging experts from outside the university fosters student growth in the applied, creative classroom
Instituting a pairing system for Canadian and international students to facilitate deep learning
Examining the efficacy of virtual clinical instructions on need finding abilities in co-op work terms
Evaluating a newly developed reflective model for Work-Integrated Learning (WIL) to support impactful reflection and lifelong learning among students and advisors
Studying flexible assessment and decision making in an introductory statistics course
Redesigning an intermediate German course to better foster transcultural competence
Development of a podcast discussing geographic principles and current research
Developing and evaluating a virtual communication module to improve optometry students’ communication skills with patients
Enhancing student learning of Professional Planning competencies through work-integrated learning (WIL) by identifying best practices, examining professional competence in ethics, exploring student experiences, and developing recommendations for improvement
Creating a pedagogical approach to online learning that incorporates themes of care and social presence
This project aims to research the design and implementation of a game-based course design framework.
Comparing three German courses across online and on campus
Exploring how graduate supervisors navigate the use of generative AI tools in research and writing, to develop resources and guidelines for both supervisors and students
Enhancing second-year international development students’ applied research skills and career development through targeted grant writing training
Introducing experiential learning into a laser pointer reverse engineering and fabricating learning activity
Redesigning how faculty teaches difficult (bottleneck) concepts in tax courses
Investigating the extent and efficacy of active learning strategies in AHS classrooms
Interviewing and surveying instructors and students about their teamwork skills and attitudes
Conducting a fully online computer science graduate seminar and assessing quality
Creation and assessment of a data literacy online learning platform for environment students
Integration of history-based roleplaying games for student-centric learning in history courses
Investigating the potential for enhancing online learning at UW through Interpolated testing
Examining the efficacy of implementing a 3-hour flood resilience challenge to demonstrate flood challenges to engineering students
Piloting and assessing the SKAATR module for graduate students
Implementing a teaching system based on Indigenous Learning Circle methodology to enhance student learning, critical thinking, and community building in STEM courses
Development of collaborative relationships with Indigenous Knowledge keepers to produce STEM resources acceptable to Indigenous communities
Redesigning Mobile Information Literacy modules for increased learning and student literacy skills
Creation of video and modelling software resources for learning anatomy
Assessing the impact of studying abroad on German and Canadian studies
Examining the effect of experiential learning on critical thinking
Working with Indigenous and Western knowledge relations in building just and sustainable futures.
A two-phase research study with undergraduates enrolled in a Psychology course, taken by students from a variety of faculties, that explores how they encounter GenAI
Investigating the efficacy of blended learning
Designing an approach to separate entrepreneurship skills and success
Examining the learning outcomes of Indigenous teaching lenses on non-indigenous students
Initiating the relationship between UW and the W2B program, which allows incarcerated individuals to take courses alongside university students by funding W2B instructor training and piloting a W2B workshop for raising awareness
Assessing the efficacy of the Student Success Offices’ Skills tutorials on improved grades, answer clarity, and impact variation based on past success or lack thereof
Studying assessment and personal reflection on interviews of older adults
Piloting a film course within the school of environment, resources, and sustainability to investigate the efficacy of using films to teach in online settings
Measuring the impact of weekly group modules on group discussion and study habits
Examining the effects of student learning groups on the success and perceptions surrounding their efficacy
Designing a web framework for group projects in large classes and studying its impact on learning
Creation of a multi-media resource that illustrates the historical mapping and documentation of treaty making in Canada
Investigating the value of practical experience with a Management of Oral Anticoagulation Therapy program
Developing two modules to provide TAs with resources to support both students’ mental health and their own
“Mycroft” aims to enhance the AI-based Virtual Teaching Assistant (VTA) by adding conversational memory and prompts to improve accessibility, engagement, and support for students and staff in the classroom
Creating seminars which promote experiential and place-based learning within otherwise online courses
Instituting and evaluating the effect of giving students flexible assignment options
Intervening on a capstone project design that was going poorly within engineering due to a lack of needs identification
Studying and improving rubric use for deep learning
Using a student-led discussion and voting platform in a first-year engineering course to direct lecture topics
Analyzing the impact of collaborative online course incorporation to abroad studies on deep learning
Investigating the usage on online collaborative work and their role in reducing inequity in STEM
Creation of online learning activities for an application to engage students learning French as a second language
Developing and assessing software applications to measure student engagement
Partnering first- and third-year seminar students to improve the knowledge integration and sense of identity in these students
Studying self-assessment of students in a team based interdisciplinary setting
Developing exercises and a software platform for experiential learning of game theory
Testing the benefit of addressing students’ interview nervousness as physiological adaptation immediately before a co-op interview
Analyze the quantitative and qualitative data related to inclusivity, diversity, equity, and accessibility (IDEA) that were collected from course learners and instructors.
Identifying threshold concepts in organized sport leadership
Examining the use of concreteness fading to improve CS courses
Creating an online module and in-person workshop on healthcare professionalism and attitudes
Using theatre students to simulate therapy sessions for viewing by psychology students, allowing both fields to gain experiential learning opportunities that may otherwise be lacking
Creation of an auto-grading exercise resource for relational algebra
Examining French pronunciation progress to identify aspects that require more attention due to English-French sound system differences
Creation of a Printmaker's handbook for the instruction and stewardship practices for printmaking
Creating an opportunity for project/systems design students and engineering stakeholders to interact
Piloting a competition of undergraduate video creation on statistical topics from introductory statistics courses
Creating demonstration videos of hands-on activities provided in a civil engineering course that students do not get to experience all otherwise
Investigating the impact of giving students choices in the classroom on their learning and engagement
Assessing student podcasting as a form of project-based learning for scientific communication
Exploring how problem-based learning is received by students
Investigating the impact that a tutor’s background (academia or design practice) has on the learning process
Instituting supported learning groups for historically difficult courses
Documenting current climate pedagogy practices and investigating the supports needed by post-secondary instructors to effectively engage students and foster a sense of agency
Creating a “sustainable design toolkit” for engineering capstone design instructors.
Developing an online module on weight bias in education for the faculty of health
Enhancing the effectiveness of Teaching Assistants by developing best practices and guidelines for using Generative AI to generate insightful feedback on student submissions
Examining student engagement and instructors’ methods during social, political, and cultural issue discussion
Creating multi-perspective negotiation simulations for widespread business education
Creating an online aggregative resource for planning/urban design students’ tools and skills
Creation of a digital “deep” map of the Second Battle of Ypres
Introducing an experiential learning component in a German language course to investigate impacts on student skillset
Exploring how urban arts can be used as a teaching method for increased student engagement and decolonized learning
Forming an equity-competency model for usage in Sustainable Food System Education curriculum
Implementing a “social innovation lab” for problem solving local community issues
Examining the impact of studying abroad on identity development and language learning
Examining the empathy-based pedagogy in the faculty of engineering to enact improvements
Assessing the change in perception of both learners and instructors on using ePortfolios throughout a semester
Developing a 2-day design event for interdisciplinary work in urban planning
Assessing the efficacy of personal technology blocking applications and the distractions present in health sciences
Implementing a case study competition, oral exams, and student feedback and reflection
Evaluating how the use of Open Educational Resources (OERs) in Recreation and Leisure Studies (RLS) courses impacts student success and accessibility.
Assessing the impact of creative or “making” activities and platforms as a “Third Space” used for bridging personal and professional identities on minoritized students’ sense of self and sense of belonging.
Continuing the creation of an open-access intro textbook for Canadian politics though students’ submissions
Evaluating evidence-based practices and implementing instructor training to improve student wellbeing, belonging, and equity
Investigating the use of disability disclosure strategies in co-operative education and the subsequent workplace outcomes
Investigating how race is discussed, understood, and assessed in Gender and Social Justice (GSJ) classrooms, with the goal of enhancing anti-racist teaching practices
Using the creation of a “science identity” to address the underrepresentation of certain demographics in STEM