Connecting Collaborative Group Work and Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Goals in Introductory Science Courses

Project Team

Karen Cummings, Physics and Astronomy

Robert Hill, Physics and Astronomy

Steve Pfisterer, Physics and Astronomy

Project Summary

The aim of this project is to help Waterloo students make better use of existing collaborative group-work opportunities for deep learning and practice building inclusive, equitable groups. To facilitate course improvement, and support a broader EDI effort within our department, we will develop materials that integrate key content from an EDI bystander-intervention workshop with instruction on best-practices in collaborative groupwork.  The result will be plug-and-play materials that are general enough that learned skills and behaviors can be transferred into other environments including teaching labs, research experiences and co-op positions. Instructor materials will be developed to facilitate effective use by others.  We will employ these materials in two courses in Fall 2022 with a reflective practice component.  We will measure student attitudes toward groupwork and reflective practice, as well as self-efficacy and EDI knowledge and climate in the course, all before and after instruction.  Outcomes and correlations will be investigated.


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