From TA to Course Instructor (CTE170)

Friday, July 22, 2016 9:00 am - 12:00 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

Location: EV1 241

Description: This session will be of interest to graduate students who are getting ready to teach their first course as instructors during the Fall 2016 or Winter 2017 terms. It will include a series of panel presentations by graduate students, who successfully taught their first course at uWaterloo, as well as group discussions of common scenarios from the classroom. By the end of the session, participants will have discussed common challenges faced by first-time instructors, identified strategies for addressing them and developed ideas for getting their courses off to a great start.

Presenter Panel: TBA

Facilitator: Brandon DeHart, CTE


  • You must be teaching your own course in the upcoming terms.
  • This session will be very interactive, and is limited to 20 participants.
  • You must arrive on time and stay for the entire event to receive credit.

Registration: To request a spot in the workshop, please send the following information to 

  • Full name
  • Student ID
  • Department
  • Title and course code of the course which you will teach in Fall 2016 or Winter 2017