Twitter in the Classroom (CTE253)

Wednesday, March 7, 2018 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm EST (GMT -05:00)

Location: EV1 241

Facilitator: Tommy Mayberry (CTE)

Workshop description

Since its launch in 2006, social media website Twitter has radically changed our contemporary digital landscape. With over 310 million active monthly users – 82% of whom are active users on mobile devices, and 79% of whom have accounts outside of the U.S. – Twitter has become a prominent worldwide platform for the exchange of information in real-time. How can we as educators, then, harness this global presence and popularity to bring it productively and engagingly into our University classrooms? This interactive workshop will explore Twitter from an educational vantage for both enhancing classroom discussion and networking as well as for authentic assessment. First, we will look at strategies for successful engagement with Twitter as users (such as crafting Tweets and navigating Twitter successfully) before we move into specific methods of implementing Twitter into classroom teaching and assessment. Finally, we will use Twitter as a launch point to identify teaching uses for other social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat) as well. Individuals from all disciplines are invited to participate in this workshop: together, we will develop an interdisciplinary framework of strategies for and perspectives on the use of social media and Twitter in the classroom.

The above statistics were taken from’s “Company Facts” page on Twitter usage as of June 30th, 2016.


  • Please bring with you to this workshop either a smartphone or laptop. A few laptops will be made available for use should you need one.
  • Registration is required. Difficulty registering? Read our registration help guide
  • Participants will receive an attendance credit towards the Fundamentals program if they arrive on time and stay until the end of the event.


Many of our workshops have waiting lists, so if you've registered but can't attend, please notify us 24 hours in advance (at ) so that we can give your spot to someone else.


The University of Waterloo is committed to achieving barrier-free accessibility for persons with disabilities who are studying, working, or visiting at Waterloo. If you have questions concerning access, such as parking, building layouts, or obtaining information in alternative formats, or wish to request accommodations for a CTE workshop or event, please contact CTE via email ( or phone (ext. 33857) and include the session’s title and date. Our workshops typically involve a mix of presentation and discussion-based activities, and we encourage a scent-free environment. We also welcome accompanying assistants, interpreters, or note-takers; notify us if accommodations are needed in this regard. Please note that some accommodations may require time to arrange.