Waterloo High Impact Practices Group (CTE740)

Friday, October 16, 2015 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

You are invited to join the Waterloo High Impact Practices Group (WHIP Group) lunch series.

WHIP Group is collective of Waterloo faculty and staff who support the use of High Impact Practices in teaching and learning. WHIP Group members meet for lunch a few times a year to share their successes, challenges, and tips for High Impact teaching and learning.

Our focus for the fall is on engaged learning practices and large classes.

We are delighted to have Professor Heidi Englehardt and Professor Paul Wehr share their experiences with us.

Heidi co-teaches one of the largest classes on campus, Biol 130, consisting of 1,200-1,500 students.  A course this large poses challenges both for learning and cohort-building.  She will tell us about the use of the Supported Learning Groups (SLG) program, peer-facilitated study sessions designed to help students develop learning strategies applicable to Biol 130 that are transferable to other courses.  She'll discuss the impact the program has had on students who participate in the program, and on the student peer leaders who facilitate the SLG sessions.

Paul Wehr is an instructor in the Psychology Department who has experience teaching large sections of introductory psychology and research methods.  He is also currently tasked with redeveloping the online offering of introductory psychology.  He will discuss past experiences and future plans for attempting to foster meaningful communication in large classrooms and online. 

Lunch is on us. Please register for CTE740 High Impact Practices Group so we can plan accordingly.