Opportunities and New Directions:
A Research Conference on Teaching and Learning.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
University of Waterloo: Conrad Grebel College campus
We invite three types of proposals: 50-minute interactive sessions, 25-minute paper/research presentations, and 45-minute lunch roundtables.
- Interactive session (50 minutes): Interactive sessions will include activities and discussion to actively engage participants in the topic. The time frame includes time for questions. These may be single presenter sessions or team-led.
- Paper presentation (25 minutes): More traditional paper presentation. The time frame includes time for questions. You should plan for a 15-20 minute presentation to allow question time.
- Lunch roundtable discussion (45 minutes): Informal discussion (we suggest you prepare some discussion prompts). The roundtables are an opportunity to converse with others interested in the same topic. We particularly encourage you to submit research in progress and emerging ideas. Please note that the lunch roundtables are a "technology-free zone."
All proposals should include:
- Names, positions, institutional affiliations, and contact information for the presenter(s). In each instance, the person who submits the proposal will be the key contact.
- Session title.
- Session abstract (not to exceed 150 words) outlining the objectives, content, and format for the session. The abstract should address what participants will gain by attending your session. For interactive sessions please also include a description of methods of presentation (e.g., small group activity, discussion, etc.). List any references (these may be in addition to the 150 words). Your abstract will appear in the conferenceprogram.
- All audio-visual requirements
Submission of proposals
- Please email your proposal as an attachment to nsimmons@uwaterloo.ca. All attachments should be .doc or .rtf format.
- Name your file by your last name and the session length code (50, 20, or 45) e.g., Simmons20.doc
- Remove any "hidden identifiers" (such as the document author in "properties") from your Word file before emailing it (this will support the blind review process).
- Give your email the subject heading: "Opportunities and New Directions: Call for Proposals."
The deadline for submissions of proposal abstracts was Friday, January 30, 2009. There will be no extensions to this deadline.
All proposals will be subject to a peer blind review process. You will receive reviewers' feedback by February 20, and will be invited to consider this feedback before submitting the final version of your abstract by March 3, 2009. Amendments not received by this date will regrettably not be included in this year's conference. The final program will be available on the website by March 20.
Call for proposal reviewers
We invite you to volunteer to review short abstracts (150 words) for 3-4 sessions. Submitting a proposal for a conference session does not preclude you from being a reviewer, nor do you need to attend the conference to be a reviewer. Please respond as soon as possible (before January 16) indicating your willingness to serve as a reviewer, along with your name and institutional affiliation as this information will appear in the conference program and on the website. Abstracts will be sent to you by February 3 and you will need to submit your reviews by February 12.
To volunteer to serve as a reviewer, or if you have questions regarding the proposal process, please contact:
Nicola Simmons, Ph.D., Research and Evaluation Consultant
Centre for Teaching Excellence (CTE), LIB 328D
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, ON, N2L 3G1
phone: 519-888-4567 Ext. 32940 fax: 519-888-9806 nsimmons@uwaterloo.ca
We look forward to receiving your submission!
Nicola Simmons, Centre for Teaching Excellence (CTE)
Marta Bailey, Centre for Teaching Excellence (CTE)
Rob Gorbet, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Firas Mansour, Physics and Astronomy
Trien Nguyen, Economics
Bob Sproule, Accounting and Finance