Towards Anti-Racism and Decolonization: An Equity-Competency Model in Sustainable Food System Education

Grant Recipients

Steffanie Scott, Geography and Environmental Mangagement


Addressing social inequality (systemic and structural inequity) is foundational to transforming food systems, as aptly illustrated through the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Will graduating students working as professionals in their field be able to address discourses around sustainability and equity? How aware will they be of systemic racism in institutional services? How prepared will they be to address root causes of food insecurity rather than the symptoms? Food systems education programs have the potential to create the learning conditions required for emancipatory and transformative pedagogies. However, key gaps remain in programs employing discourses of anti-oppression, anti-racism, decolonization, and intersectionality. An equity competency model integrated in Sustainable Food System Education curriculum, will focus on systems of oppression and racism in the food system (through an intersectional lens), driving opportunities for both critical self-reflection and strategic systems change. This model will draw on our collective teaching experience as well as existing frameworks.


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