Find a job through funded programs

Whether you’re arranging your own co-op job or using WaterlooWorks to find a position, it can be helpful to know about available sources of funding that may help employers cover the cost of hiring a student. This way, when you’re talking with potential employers or negotiating job offers, you can point them towards information that might make it easier and more cost-effective for them to hire YOU!

This webpage outlines some available sources of funding that can help (as a starting point) with your conversations with employers. Please be sure to do some research to ensure you have the most up-to-date information, and reach out to your co-op advisor if you have any questions about how to talk to employers about funding opportunities.

For more job search advice, visit our tips for arranging your own job webpage. You can also reach out to your co-op advisor for access to tailored UWaterloo broadcast letters to help introduce employers to the benefits of hiring a co-op student! 

If an employer seems interested in applying for funding or has any questions:

  • They must fill out any funding applications themselves – students cannot apply or fill out forms on their behalf.
  • If they have questions about applying for funding or hiring a student more generally, they can contact

Funded programs students can apply for

Funding opportunities for employers located in Canada

If you are arranging your own job, or just networking with employers you are interested in working for, feel free to chat with them about the following funding opportunities that may be available to them!

Funding opportunities for employers based outside Canada

If you are interested in working for an employer who is based outside Canada, you can try researching available opportunities in their area, or asking if they know of any funding that might be available to them!

Funding opportunities for Canadian and international students