Updated Performance Appraisal process for 2022

Wednesday, November 9, 2022
  • Staff continue to have two choices for performance documentation
  • We have updated the performance summary form for 2022
  • Supporting resources are available on the HR website to assist you
  • Workshop sessions to support supervisors and employees are available

The annual performance appraisal season for 2022 for University of Waterloo staff employees has begun. Performance appraisals are an opportunity for staff and supervisors to connect to review past accomplishments for the year, celebrate achievements, and set clear goals for the future. Our employees are the foundation of Waterloo, and to be successful, our staff need to know how they're performing in their roles and how they can improve. It's also an opportunity to explore how we can develop professionally.

Similar to 2021, performance ratings will be based on actual performance and staff employees can choose from one of two options for performance documentation for 2022:

  • Completion of the standard Staff Confidential Appraisal form, or
  • Completion of a Performance Summary form

The Performance Summary form has been revised from last year’s version to include the Working Environment questions from the Staff Confidential Appraisal form. These questions are particularly important given the pressures on the workforce over the last few years and are topics for staff to discuss with their manager, and to document if any issues or concerns exist.

To support the annual merit program with salary changes taking effect May 1, 2023, performance ratings need to be finalized and confirmed to Human Resources in early March. To support this timeline, managers are encouraged to begin the performance conversations with their staff early in 2023.

As you prepare for the appraisal process, the following resources may assist you:

Employee Resources:

Manager Resources:

For those new to the annual appraisal process, performance is assessed using the Staff Confidential Appraisal Form as part of the ongoing performance management process between managers and their employees to explore how staff are performing in their positions and to set personal and professional goals.  The appraisal form is an essential component of staff performance management at Waterloo to ensure all staff employees receive at least one annual performance conversation with their manager. It also provides an opportunity to formally document achievements, expectations, and identify areas where employees may need extra support or professional development. This documentation supports the performance rating used for the annual merit program and provides central reference support for career advancement opportunities within Waterloo.

Organizational and Human Development (OHD) is offering separate workshop sessions to support both managers and employees with the performance appraisal process: 

  • Leading Performance Conversations (with your Team) is a two-hour workshop for supervisors that focuses on having meaningful, ongoing conversations with employees, specific to their performance. This course is for supervisors and managers, including staff who supervise students and faculty who supervise academic staff.
  • Navigating Performance Conversations (with your Manager) is a new workshop that offers practical tips for employees on how to prepare for their performance appraisal conversations with their manager. Staff will learn how to discuss their accomplishments in the past year and explore what skills they would like to develop and foster in the upcoming year.

Please see the OHD Calendar of Workshops for session dates and times that best work for you.

If you have any questions, please contact your Human Resources Partner.