Payroll FAQ

General Payroll Queries

When can I expect to receive my first pay?

Employees who are members of the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) and casual employees are paid on a bi-weekly basis, every other Friday (if the regular pay date falls on a holiday, the pay will be deposited on the Thursday instead).

Staff, Faculty, and Temporary employees on a contract of more than three months are paid on a monthly basis on the last Friday of each month. View a list of pay dates for the year.

I have been working for a period of time and have now been paid yet. What can I do?

Check with your departmental administrator to ensure that your paperwork has been completed and submitted for processing within the prescribed deadlines.


Can I change my address on my T4/T4A?

Employees can still claim their T4s with an out of country or another Canadian address. This does not affect the tax processes. If the address has to be changed, please send a request with the full name, ID # and the updated address to

How do I access my Tuition Receipt (T2202A)?

Payroll does not issue this statement. T2202A receipts (Tuition and Education Amounts Certificates) can be accessed through Quest. For more information please visit the Quest tax receipts page.

Can you send my T4A-NR form?