PSYCH course offerings Fall 2017

This listing is tentative. There may be changes before the start of Fall term.

Course times are posted on the Schedule of Classes.

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TBA = To be announced

PSYCH course number Course title Comments Instructor
101 section 1 Introductory Psychology   Paul Wehr
101 section 2 Introductory Psychology   Paul Wehr
101 section 3 Introductory Psychology   TBA (St. Jerome's)
101 section 4 Introductory Psychology   TBA
101 online Introductory Psychology   TBA
101R 001, 002, and 003 Introductory Psychology   TBA (Renison)
207 Cognitive Processes   Jennifer Stolz
207 online Cognitive Processes Online course TBA
211 Developmental Psychology   Pamela Seeds
212 Educational Psychology   TBA (St. Jerome's)
213R Exceptional Children   TBA (Renison)
226R Positive Psychology   TBA (Renison)
230 Psychology and Law   TBA (St. Jerome's)
238 Organizational Psychology   Doug Brown
253 Social Psychology   Hillary Bergsieker
253 online Social Psychology Online course Alex Huynh


Introduction to Cognitive Science

PSYCH 256 is held with PHIL 256.

TBA (Philosophy Department)
257 Psychopathology   David Moscovitch
261 Physiological Psychology   Roxanne Itier
264 Research Apprenticeship

No course time.

Department consent and course application required.

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291 Basic Research Methods

PSYCH 291 is offered Fall only.  We expect Psychology Majors to take PSYCH 291 in the calendar year of admission to the Psychology Major.

Heather Henderson
306 Perception   Colin Ellard
307 Human Neuropsychology   James Danckert
308  Psychology of Reading   Derek Besner
312R Learning Disabilities   TBA (Renison)
317 Child Psychopathology   TBA (St. Jerome's)
318 Psychosexual Organization   TBA (St. Jerome's)
320 Language Development   Katherine White
336 Introduction to Clinical Psychology   Pamela Seeds
340 Training and Development   John Michela
349R Cross-Cultural Psychology   TBA (Renison)
352 Culture and Psychology   Alex Huynh



Psychology of Trust   TBA (St. Jerome's)
391 Advanced Data Analysis

We expect the majority of Honours Psychology students to take PSYCH 391 in the Fall term of year 3 instead of the Winter term.

See priority enrolment details for PSYCH 391.

Jonathan Fugelsang
393/389 001 Research in Developmental Psychology

See priority enrolment for advanced research methods courses.

Ori Friedman
395 section 1/389 002 Research in Social Psychology

See priority enrolment for advanced research methods courses.

Joanne Wood
395 section 2/389 003 Research in Social Psychology See priority enrolment for advanced research methods courses. TBA
397 section 1/389 004 Research in Personality and Clinical Psychology

See priority enrolment for advanced research methods courses.

Jonathan Oakman
397 section 2/389 005 Research in Personality and Clinical Psychology

See priority enrolment for advanced research methods courses.

Paul Wehr
399/389 006 Research in Industrial/Organizational Psychology See priority enrolment for advanced research methods courses. Ramona Bobocel


Independent Study - for Social Development Studies Students

PSYCH 399R is not the same course as PSYCH 399.

Department (Renison) consent and course application required.

TBA (Renison)
447 (CANCELLED) Seminar in Cognitive Science. Topic: Concepts and Rules

Note: This course does not fulfil the requirements for a Senior Research Seminar.

448R Close Relationships Note: This course does not fulfil the requirements for a Senior Research Seminar. TBA (Renison)

Honours Seminar in Developmental Psychology. Topic: Being Bilingual

See priority enrolment for honours seminars.

See expanded descriptions for honours seminars.

Katherine White

Honours Seminar in Personality and Clinical Psychology. Topic: Depression

See priority enrolment for honours seminars.

See expanded descriptions for honours seminars.

Pamela Seeds

Honours Seminar in Cognition. Topic: Psychology of Economic Decision Making

See priority enrolment for honours seminars.

See expanded descriptions for honours seminars.

Derek Koehler
459 Honours Seminar in Close Relationships   John Rempel (St. Jerome's)

Honours Seminar - Cognitive Neuroscience

See priority enrolment for honours seminars.

See expanded descriptions for honours seminars.

Myra Fernandes
464 Advanced Research Apprenticeship

No course time.

Department consent and course application required.

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470 section 001 and 002 Applied Topics in Psychology: Adolescent Brain and Behaviour See PSYCH 470 topic descriptions for more details. Kathleen Bloom
480 Directed Studies - Elective

No course time.

Department consent and course application required.

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481 Directed Studies - Natural Science Advanced Psychology

No course time.

Department consent and course application required.

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482 Directed Studies - Social Science Advanced Psychology

No course time.

Department consent and course application required.

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483 Directed Studies - Natural Science Research

No course time.

Department consent and course application required.

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484 Directed Studies - Social Science Research

No course time.

Department consent and course application required.

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485 Directed Studies - Seminar

No course time.

Department consent and course application required.

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486 Directed Studies - Advanced Statistics

No course time.

Department consent and course application required.

Find a supervisor.
490R Special Studies Department (Renison) consent and course application required. TBA (Renison)
499A Honours Thesis - Part 1

See PSYCH 499 enrolment restrictions and responsibilities

Course coordinator: Richard Eibach

499B Honours Thesis - Part 2

See PSYCH 499 enrolment restrictions and responsibilities

Course coordinator:
Richard Eibach

499C Honours Thesis - Part 3

See PSYCH 499 enrolment restrictions and responsibilities

Course coordinator:
Richard Eibach

Last updated: May 15, 2017