With regret, I’m announcing cancellation of the “Legacies of Flow” event scheduled for Wednesday July 15.
Dr. Csikszentmihalyi suffered a serious knee injury several days ago and has been prohibited from flying so will not be able to get here from California for Convocation next week.
We still hope to host him on campus during a future Convocation to receive his honorary degree. If/when that is scheduled we will reconsider resurrecting our planned panel discussion.
Discussion panel on the legacies of flow

A panel discussion featuring honorary degree recipient Dr. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi and UW experts who have studied flow and explored it in the classroom.
Dr. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi is “father of positive psychology,” the study of human strengths. He studies what makes people happy and how these experiences

contribute to personal growth. His research introduced flow – a metaphorical description of mental states associated with optimal satisfaction and fulfillment.
Respondents include:
- James Danckert (Psychology)
- Peter Hall (Kinesiology /School of Public Health and Health Systems)
- Roger Mannell (Recreation and Leisure)
- Zara Rafferty (Recreation and Leisure)
- Jiri Zuzanek (Recreation and Leisure)
Panel discussion will be followed by a reception and light refreshments in the STC atrium