Program and degree requirements

Program requirements

For program-specific requirements, select program from list below:

Degree time limits and extensions

All requirements for the MA and PhD degrees in the Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies must normally be completed within the following time periods (beginning with the term of initial registration), as stipulated by the University Senate:

Master of Arts (MA) Thesis Option

  • Full-time: 6 terms (2 years); Part-time: 12 terms (4 years) 

Coursework option is normally completed full-time in 3 terms (1 year); part-time in 6 terms (2 years).

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

  • Full-time from Master’s level: 12 terms (4 years); Part-time: 24 terms (8 years)
  • Full-time from BA level (i.e., fast tracking): 18 terms (6 years)

You are required to submit a Petition for Extension of Program Time Limit Form from the Graduate Studies Office and obtain approval from both your advisor and the Recreation and Leisure Studies Associate Chair for Graduate Studies for the first 3 terms of degree time limits extension.

After these 3 terms, you will also require approval from the Health Associate Dean (Graduate) and be required to submit a Progress Report and Detailed Plan for Completion of Degree Program document along with the extension form. The progress report must be signed by you, your thesis supervisor and ALL committee members.

If the petition is not approved, you will be discontinued from your program. 

Students who fail to submit a petition form will be de-registered and will have a Required to Withdraw decision applied to their academic record and must reapply (to a future term).

Petition submission and approval deadlines in departments are: 

  • Fall – September 15
  • Winter – January 15
  • Spring – May 15