Funding and awards

Graduate student financial support

Graduate students are financially supported through a variety of sources including teaching assistantships (TA), research assistantships (RA), graduate research studentships (GRS), internal University of Waterloo scholarships, external scholarships, teaching opportunities, and other funding support. Note that full-time students are restricted to a maximum of 10 hours/week of paid work through TA, RA, or teaching opportunities through the University. 


Full-time Master's thesis option students typically receive two terms of funding during their first and second year, amounting to $15,348 per year. The program usually takes about two years to complete. While additional teaching assistant positions may be available each term, they are not guaranteed. Students should plan their time and financial resources accordingly.

Coursework option students are not promised funding on admission; however there are often extra teaching assistant positions available to apply for each term. The coursework option is normally completed in one year (three terms).  


PhD support

Full-time Doctoral students are normally provided with three terms of funding during their first four years. The annual amount is currently $27,130. The normal completion time for the doctoral program is four years, so students should plan their time and financial resources accordingly.


If you are receiving a teaching or research assistantship, you must complete the onboarding process on Workday (including tax deductions, direct deposit, contact information, etc.). You must complete a promissory note to arrange your tuition fees each term in order to have your tuition deducted from any scholarships first and any balance owing ($100 or more) deducted in monthly installments with each monthly pay period. Any amount owing less than $100 after scholarships cannot be deducted monthly and must be paid directly. If you received more scholarship funds than tuition owing, the balance will be deposited to your direct deposit account set up on Workday. 

International students employed through the University of Waterloo are now exempt from needing an Employment Authorization provided the primary document is a valid Student Authorization. If authorizations have to be renewed, kits are available from the International Experience team in the Student Success Office.


Students are encouraged to apply for external awards, including the Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS) or a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Scholarship, the most common ones for our students. Students who successfully obtain external scholarships receive the President's Graduate Scholarship along with matching support from the Department (usually in the form of a one-term teaching or research assistantship) to meet the minimum annual funding commitments. If students have external scholarships, they are not guaranteed additional teaching assistantship support beyond the one term of matching funding in order to provide funding for other graduate students. However there are often extra teaching assistant positions available to apply for each term.


Teaching Assistantship (TA) Overview

A teaching assistantship (TA) is a position held by a qualified full-time student to assist a faculty member with instructional responsibilities. TA positions are assigned by a committee of the Associate Chair for Graduate Studies, the Graduate Program Manager, and the Department Administrative Officer. Assignments are based on a combination of student funding commitments, funding received to date, instructor needs and requests, student progress in their program, and relevant background experience for each course.

TA Survey and Assignment Process

Students and instructors are asked to complete a TA survey each term to provide information about their TA needs and preferences. This assists the department in assigning TA positions and allows students without funding commitments to be considered for extra positions. Once TA positions are assigned, TAs should meet with the instructor to complete the TA contract outlining course responsibilities. Students are advised to be available from the first day of classes until the end of the final exam period to perform all necessary TA duties.

TA Position Details

  • Duration: Typically 10 hours per week for 16 weeks per term, though some positions are 5 hours per week.
  • Payment: Payments are made in monthly installments on the last Friday of each month over a period of 4 months.
  • PhD Students: Receive two-thirds of their funding through TAships and one-third through the Graduate Experience Award, paid as a scholarship in the first month.
  • Part-Time Students: Do not normally qualify for TA positions and are ineligible for the Graduate Experience Award.


A Research Assistant (RA) performs designated research duties under the supervision of one or more faculty members. RA positions are arranged individually by faculty members with the student.

If you are interested in an RA position, you should inform faculty members in related areas about your interest and the skills you can bring to the role. The needs of faculty members with research projects can vary considerably, and the availability of research funding changes frequently due to the irregular nature of grants and contracts. It is up to each faculty member to decide whom to hire as their RA.

Research assistantships typically require either 10 or 5 hours of work per week for 16 weeks of the term. Payment is a monthly salary, paid on the last Friday of each month.


A Graduate Research Studentship (GRS) provides direct scholarship support for students in graduate thesis programs to work on their own research. This funding is provided by the supervisor through research grants or contract funds. Since the funding is specific to the student's research, these opportunities are rare unless the student's project aligns with a faculty member's research grant or contract. Occasionally, there are funding opportunities for students to apply for research funds (e.g., Mitacs) that are held by the faculty member on behalf of the student. The results of the student's research efforts are expected to comprise their thesis and may also lead to joint publications with the supervisor.

Graduate research studentships are paid as a scholarship during the first month of the term.


Doctoral students are encouraged to teach at least one undergraduate course during their program of study, typically covering courses during sabbaticals or other leaves. Available courses will be advertised to students ahead of each term. To be eligible, students must have completed their PhD comprehensive examination and usually need to complete the Fundamentals of University Teaching  program through the Centre for Teaching Excellence. 

Applications are reviewed and decisions made by the Executive Committee, which includes the Department Chair, Associate Chair for Graduate Studies, Associate Chair for Undergraduate Studies, and Department Administrator. Undergraduate teaching is remunerated at the standard university term rate for sessional instructors. A faculty member will be assigned as a mentor to assist with this teaching experience, along with support from the Executive Committee.




Graduate students currently enrolled in a degree program at the University of Waterloo are eligible for the Graduate Student Research Dissemination Award once per fiscal year (May to April) to present their own research (oral, poster, paper) at academic conferences. Applications will be accepted throughout the year for each term until funds are depleted. The award is valued at $250 for virtual conferences or $500 for in-person conferences

Funding is provided jointly by the Graduate Studies Endowment Fund (GSEF) and Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs (GSPA). Students are encouraged to seek additional financial support from their supervisor, department, and/or faculty to help cover conference-related expenses. Applications are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis each term until funds are depleted

For more information on eligibility, deadlines and application procedure please visit Graduate Student Research Dissemination Award Application


The Graduate Studies Office maintains a list of other awards and scholarships available to students.

In addition, there are some awards offered by professional organizations, including:

  • Future Scholars Award offered by The Academy of Leisure Sciences (TALS)
  • Graduate Award $1,000 and PhD Award $3,000 offered by the Travel and Tourism Research Association Canada