The 30th annual Graduate Leisure Research Symposium was held in person on May 4, 2023 under the theme “Back to the future – what matters in Rec and Leisure.” The invited keynote speaker was Mac Ross, Assistant Professor of Sport Management at Western University. Professor Ross uses his research to advocate for equity and justice within the Canadian sport system. The keynote lecture was supported by the Lyle S. Hallman Professorial Endowment.
Students from University of Waterloo, Brock University and Western University presented their research from either completed studies or works in progress. Presentations and posters may include case studies, philosophical pieces, literature reviews, conceptual development papers, or completed empirical studies. All abstracts are subject to a blind review process. Presentations are scheduled for 15 minutes, with a discussion period at the end of each group of presentations.
Graduate students and senior undergraduate students pursuing research in any aspect of leisure, recreation, sport, and tourism are invited to attend the symposium and take advantage of this unique opportunity for scholarly and professional growth in a safe and supportive environment.
The attendees gathered at the Grad House on campus following the symposium for a social hosted by the Graduate Association of Recreation and Leisure Studies (GARLS).
Many thanks to Gaurav and Adam for their leadership as Co-Chairs of the Symposium, to Kylie as the faculty advisor, to Emily and her team of volunteers for behind-the-scenes support, and to all who attended to celebrate each other’s research in a supportive community.