Associate Professor
Director, Campus Athletics Research Network (CARN)

Contact information
Office: B.C. Matthews Hall (BMH) 2208
Phone: 519-888-4567, ext. 43715
Research interests
My research focuses on the consumer behaviour of sport participation, spectatorship, and tourism. Theoretically, I have concentrated on factors such as social identity, motivation, and constraints. I have studied these factors in the context of older adulthood, women’s golf, second homes, sport events, and charity events.
Graduate supervision and student opportunities
I am currently accepting applications from graduate students with research interests related to:
- Consumer behaviour
- Sport participation
- Sport marketing
- Event management
Graduate studies application details
Teaching interests
- Sport and recreation management
- Sport marketing
- Community development
- REC 218: Social Entrepreneurship for Change
- REC 313: Amateur Sport from Playground to Podium
- REC 356: Leisure and Community
- REC 611: Issues in Leisure Organizations and Policy
BA, McMaster University
MHK, University of Windsor
PhD, Western University
Selected publications
See Google Scholar for full list of publications.