Roger C. Mannell

Adjunct Distinguished Professor Emeritus
Roger Mannell.

Contact information


Research interests

  • Social Psychology of Leisure
  • Aging
  • Lifestyle and Health
  • Work and Leisure
  • Programme Evaluation
  • Research Methods


BA (McMaster)

MPE, PhD (Windsor)

Selected publications

  • Mannell, R. C. (2014). Leisure in the laboratory and other strange notions: Psychological research on the subjective nature of leisure. In S. Elkington, & S. Gammon (eds.), Leisure in mind: Meanings, motives and learning (pp. 3-17). London, UK: Taylor and Francis.
  • Mannell, R. C., & Kleiber, D. A. (2013). Psychology of leisure. In T. Blackshaw (ed.), The Routledge International handbook of leisure studies (pp. 40-51). London, UK: Taylor and Francis.
  • Havitz, M. E., Kaczynski, A. T., & Mannell, R. C. (2013). Exploring relationships between physical activity, leisure involvement, self-efficacy, and motivation via participant segmentation. Leisure Sciences, 35, 45-62.
  • Mannell, R. C., & Snelgrove, R. (2012). Leisure and the psychological well-being and health of older adults. In H. J. Gibson, & J. F. Singleton (eds.), Leisure and aging: Theory and practice (pp. 143-157). Champaign, ILL: Human Kinetics.
  • Kleiber, D. A., Walker, G., & Mannell, R. C. (2011). A social psychology of leisure (2nd ed.). State College, PA: Venture.
  • Mannell, R. C., & Manske, S. (2010). Leisure and the development of complexity. In L. Payne, B. Ainsworth, & G. Godbey (eds.), Leisure, health, wellness: Making the connections (pp. 179-187). State College, PA: Venture.
  • Hilbrecht, M., Zuzanek, J., & Mannell, R. C. (2008). Time use, time pressure and gendered behavior in early and late adolescence. Sex Roles, 58, 342-357.
  • Kaczynski, A. T., Mannell, R. C., & Manske, S. R. (2008).  Leisure as a context for risky health behaviors: The case of smoking.  Journal of Leisure Research, 40, 404-441.
  • Mannell, R. C., Kaczynski, A. T., & Aronson, R. M. (2005). Adolescent participation and flow experience in physically active leisure and electronic media activities: Testing the displacement hypothesis Society and Leisure, 28, 653-675.
  • Mannell, R.C., & Kleiber, D.A. (1997). A social psychology of leisure. State College, PA: Venture.