Participants needed for research: Care work and gender and race-based harm in long-term care homes

Long-term care (LTC) home staff knowledge holders are needed to take part in a study about minimizing gender and race-based harm for long-term care home staff.

Participants must:

  • have worked as a staff person in LTC homes providing direct care to residents (personal support worker, recreation, spiritual care, dining support, therapist) in Ontario, Canada for at least one year,
  • identify as a visible minority/racialized person/person of colour (e.g., Black, Indigenous, Asian, Southeast Asian, East Asian, mixed race, etc.) and/or
  • a woman, non-binary, or gender queer/person with trans experience

Your involvement may involve:

  1. Participating in a survey asking about experiences you or your colleagues may have encountered working as a direct-care staff person in LTC and,
  2. If you choose, participating in a follow-up interview and discuss recommendations for transforming LTCHs towards spaces that are free-from gender and race-based harm.

Participation would involve 1.5-2 hours of your time:

  • Online/in-person survey (15-20 minutes to complete)
  • Telephone/Video call/In-person interview (1 to 1.5 hours)

In appreciation of your time, you will receive $10 for submission of a survey only or $30 for interview only.

For full participation (survey and follow-up interview), you will receive $40.

For more information or to sign up as a contributing knowledge holder, please contact Giana Tomas at

This study is being conducted through the Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies at the University of Waterloo.

This study (ORE #44667) has been reviewed by and received ethics clearance through a University of Waterloo Research Ethics Committee.