Arts and Business prospective major chart

What's a "prospective major"?

  • Your first year is more “general”. You should explore as many subjects of interest as you can.
  • Your prospective majors are the subject areas you are most interested in studying.
  • You should have at least two prospective majors.
  • You will declare/choose your major at the end of first year.

Required courses

Four Arts and Business core courses are required in first-year:

  • ARBUS 101 - Introduction to Arts and Business (Fall)
  • ECON 101 - Introduction to Microeconomics  (Fall)
  • ARBUS 102 - Accounting Information for Managers (Winter)
  • ARBUS 202 - Professional and Business Ethics  (Winter)

All Arts students take two Arts First courses in first-year: 

  • ARTS 130 - Inquiry and Communication
  • ARTS 140 - Information and Analysis

Arts First courses help build foundational competencies in communication and analysis, with a focus on practice-based learning.

Class size is limited to 25 students and there are many course topics to choose from each term.

You will take one of ARTS 130 and ARTS 140 in each term of your first year - they can be taken in either order, but not simultaneously. You can only enrol in ARTS 130 and ARTS 140 during the course drop/add period (see the Important dates page for current drop/add dates).

Other resources

Note: If you have been given any transfer credits, contact Andrea West to discuss course selection.

Anthropology (ANTH)

Fall Term Courses Winter Term Courses
  • ARBUS 101
  • ECON 101
  • ARTS 130 or ARTS 140
  • One of:
    • ANTH 100
    • ANTH 106
  • Prospective major #2
  • ARBUS 102
  • ARBUS 202
  • ARTS 140 or ARTS 130
  • ANTH 201 or ANTH 202
  • Prospective major #2

Classical Studies (CLAS)

Fall Term Courses Winter Term Courses
  • ARBUS 101
  • ECON 101
  • ARTS 130 or ARTS 140
  • One of:
    • CLAS 100
    • CLAS 103
    • CLAS 104
    • CLAS 105
  • Prospective major #2
  • ARBUS 102
  • ARBUS 202
  • ARTS 140 or ARTS 130
  • One of:
    • CLAS 103
    • CLAS 104
  • Prospective major #2

Note: The Classical Studies department offers two separate majors.

  • The Honours Classics major requires both Latin and Greek
  • The Classical Studies major (both Honours and General degrees) does not require Latin and Greek 

Classics (CLAS)

Fall Term Courses Winter Term Courses
  • ARBUS 101
  • ECON 101
  • ARTS 130 or ARTS 140
  • One of:
    • CLAS 100
    • CLAS 103
    • CLAS 104
    • CLAS 105
  • LAT 101 or GRK 101
  • ARBUS 102
  • ARBUS 202
  • ARTS 140 or ARTS 130
  • One of:
    • CLAS 103
    • CLAS 104
  • LAT 102 or GRK 102

Note: The Classical Studies department offers two separate majors.

  • The Honours Classics major requires both Latin and Greek
  • The Classical Studies major (both Honours and General degrees) does not require Latin or Greek 

Communication Arts and Design Practice

Fall Term Courses Winter Term Courses
  • ARBUS 101
  • ECON 101
  • ARTS 130 or ARTS 140
  • One of:
    • COMMST 101
    • COMMST 149/THPERF 149 (see note 2 below)
  • Prospective major #2
  • ARBUS 102
  • ARBUS 202
  • ARTS 140 or ARTS 130
  • One of:
    • COMMST 101
    • COMMST 149/THPERF 149 (see note 2 below)
  • Prospective major #2


  1. Communication Arts and Design Practice (CAPD) includes courses in COMMST (Communication Studies), THPERF (Theatre and Performance) and DAC (Digital Arts Communication). DAC courses are not taken by first year students.  
  2. There is limited space in COMMST/THPERF 149. If you select this course, have indicated you are interested in the CADP major, and do not get in, you will be enrolled in COMMST 101.

Communication Studies (COMMST)

Fall Term Courses Winter Term Courses
  • ARBUS 101
  • ECON 101
  • ARTS 130 or ARTS 140
  • One of:
    • COMMST 100
    • COMMST 101
  • Prospective major #2
  • ARBUS 102
  • ARBUS 202
  • ARTS 140 or ARTS 130
  • One of:
    • COMMST 100
    • COMMST 101
    • COMMST 223
  • Prospective major #2

Economics (ECON)

Fall Term Courses Winter Term Courses
  • ARBUS 101
  • ECON 101
  • ARTS 130 or ARTS 140
  • Prospective major #2
  • MATH 104 (see note) or elective
  • ARBUS 102
  • ARBUS 202
  • ARTS 140 or ARTS 130
  • ECON 102
  • Prospective major #2 (see note)

Note: If you have not taken or struggled in 4U Advanced Functions and Introductory Calculus or 4U Calculus and Vectors you should take MATH 103 and MATH 104 in your first year. If you can only take one of the Math courses, take MATH 104 in the Fall term. MATH 103 and MATH 104 are offered in both the Fall and Winter terms. 

English (ENGL)

Fall Term Courses Winter Term Courses
  • ARBUS 101
  • ECON 101
  • ARTS 130 or ARTS 140
  • One of:
    • ENGL 101A or ENGL 101B (recommended)
    • One 100-level ENGL course
  • Prospective major #2
  • ARBUS 102
  • ARBUS 202
  • ARTS 140 or ARTS 130
  • One of:
    • ENGL 101A, ENGL 101B, or ENGL 101C (recommended)
    • One 100-level ENGL course (see Notes 2 and 3)
  • Prospective major #2


  1. There are four major options beginning in 2nd year: English - Literature, English - Literature and Rhetoric, English - Rhetoric, Media, and Professional Communication, and English - Creative and Professional Writing. You can only major in one of the four.
  2. Students interested in the Creative and Professional Writing major may want to take ENGL 210C - Genres of Creative Writing in the Winter (1B) term instead of, or in addition to, a 100-level ENGL course.
  3. If you plan to major in English you may only count two 100-level courses toward your major requirements, including any ENGL transfer credits (e.g. ENGL 1XX). If you have ENGL transfer credit, please contact an English advisor for advice. 

Fine Arts (FINE) Studio Practice

Fall Term Courses Winter Term Courses
  • ARBUS 101
  • ECON 101
  • ARTS 130 or ARTS 140
  • FINE 100
  • Prospective major #2
  • ARBUS 102
  • ARBUS 202
  • ARTS 140 or ARTS 130
  • FINE 101/VCULT 101
  • Prospective major #2

Note: FINE 150 does not count towards the Fine Arts Studio major or minor plans. Do not take it if you plan to major or minor in Fine Arts Studio Practice. 

Fine Arts (FINE), Visual Culture (VCULT)

French Studies (FR)

Fall Term Courses Winter Term Courses
  • ARBUS 101
  • ECON 101
  • One of the following, depending on previous experience:
    • FR 151 (completed Gr. 9 or 10 core French)
    • FR 152 (completed Gr. 11 core French)
    • FR 192A (completed Gr. 12 core French)
    • FR 192B (completed Gr. 12 Immersion or extended French)
    • Graduates of école francophone take: FR 251 or FR 252
  • ARTS 130 or ARTS 140
  • Prospective major #2
  • ARBUS 102
  • ARBUS 202
  • One or two of the following, depending which course you took in the fall term:
    • FR 152 (after FR 151)
    • FR 192A (after FR 152)
    • FR 192B (after FR 192A) and one of FR 250, FR 276, or FR 297
    • FR 251 or FR 252 (after FR 192B) and one of FR 250, FR 276, or FR 297
  • ARTS 140 or ARTS 130
  • Prospective major #2 (if only taking one FR course above)

Note: Arts and Business students cannot select French Teaching as a major. French Studies can be combined with Arts and Business. 

Prospective majors are welcome to touch base with if they have placement questions/concerns.

FR 251 and FR 252 are not consecutive; they can be taken in any order or even at the same time.

Gender and Social Justice (GSJ)

Fall Term Courses Winter Term Courses
  • ARBUS 101
  • ECON 101
  • ARTS 130 or ARTS 140
  • GSJ 101
  • Prospective major #2
  • ARBUS 102
  • ARBUS 202
  • ARTS 140 OR ARTS 130
  • GSJ 102
  • Prospective major #2

History (HIST)

Fall Term Courses Winter Term Courses
  • ARBUS 101
  • ECON 101
  • ARTS 130 or ARTS 140
  • One 100-level History course
  • Prospective major #2
  • ARBUS 102
  • ARBUS 202
  • ARTS 140 or ARTS 130
  • One 100-level History course
  • Prospective major #2

Note: If you plan to major in History you may only count two 100-level courses toward your major requirements. Arts and Business requires one of: HIST 113, HIST 243 or PSCI 231. If you choose to take HIST 113 then you can only use one additional 100 level HIST course. Additionally, if you have any HIST transfer credits (e.g. HIST 1XX) they count within this limit. If you have HIST transfer credit(s), please contact the History advisor for advice. 

Legal Studies (LS)

Fall Term Courses Winter Term Courses
  • ARBUS 101
  • ECON 101
  • ARTS 130 or ARTS 140
  • LS 101
  • SOC 101 or prospective major #2
  • ARBUS 102
  • ARBUS 202
  • ARTS 140 or ARTS 130
  • SOC 101 (if not taken in Fall) or one 200-level LS course (see note)
  • Prospective major #2

Liberal Studies

Fall Term Courses Winter Term Courses
  • ARTS 130 or ARTS 140
  • 100 level course from Faculty of Arts/prospective minor
  • Prospective major #2
  • ECON 101
  • ARBUS 101
  • ARTS 140 or ARTS 130
  • 100 level course from Faculty of Arts/prospective minor
  • Prospective major #2
  • ARBUS 102
  • ARBUS 202

Note: All courses offered by the Faculty of Arts will be used in the calculation of Liberal Studies cumulative major average.  

Medieval Studies (MEDVL)

Fall Term Courses Winter Term Courses
  • ARBUS 101
  • ECON 101
  • ARTS 130 or ARTS 140
  • MEDVL 105 or MEDVL 115
  • Prospective major #2
  • ARBUS 102
  • ARBUS 202
  • ARTS 140 or ARTS 130
  • Language course (see Note)
  • Prospective major #2

Note: You should consider taking an introductory language course in your first year from one of the following: French, German, Italian, Latin, Russian, or Spanish. 

Music (MUSIC)

Fall Term Courses Winter Term Courses
  • ARBUS 101
  • ECON 101
  • ARTS 130 or ARTS 140
  • MUSIC 110
  • Prospective major #2 or MUSIC 226 and MUSIC 116 (see Note 2)
  • ARBUS 102
  • ARBUS 202
  • ARTS 140 or ARTS 130
  • MUSIC 226 and MUSIC 116 or  MUSIC 227 and MUSIC 117 (see Note 2)

  • Prospective major #2 or MUSIC 271 (see Note 3)

Note 1: Your music ensemble course (MUSIC 116 and MUSIC 117) is 0.25 unit credit and can be taken as a sixth course. Music ensembles and studio courses (MUSIC 226) require an audition during the first week of the term. 

Note 2: If you need to prepare for a 2nd prospective major discuss your course selections with your academic advisor. 

Note 3: If you have little or no experience with Western Art music theory or with reading notated music, you should take MUSIC 111 before you take MUSIC 270. However, this course will not count towards your music major, but will count as an open elective.

Peace and Conflict Studies (PACS)

Fall Term Courses   Winter Term Courses
  • ARBUS 101
  • ECON 101
  • ARTS 130 or ARTS 140
  • One of:
    • PACS 101
    • One 200-level PACS course 
  • Prospective major #2
  • ARBUS 102
  • ARBUS 202
  • ARTS 140 or ARTS 130
  • One 200-level PACS course
  • Prospective major #2

Note: You should also consider taking PSYCH 101, SOC 101, or PSCI 150 in first year. They are pre-requisites for required upper-year PACS courses. These courses are not included in a student’s PACS major average. 

Philosophy (PHIL)

Fall Term Courses Winter Term Courses
  • ARBUS 101
  • ECON 101
  • ARTS 130 or ARTS 140
  • One of: 
    • PHIL 101 or PHIL 110B
    • PHIL 121
    • PHIL 145
  • Prospective major #2
  • ARBUS 102
  • ARBUS 202
  • ARTS 140 or ARTS 130
  • One of:
    • PHIL 101 or PHIL 110A
    • PHIL 121
    • PHIL 145
  • Prospective major #2

Note: ARBUS 202 (cross listed as PHIL 215) will count towards your PHIL major average. 

Political Science (PSCI)

Fall Term Courses Winter Term Course
  • ARBUS 101
  • ECON 101
  • ARTS 130 or ARTS 140
  • PSCI 100
  • Prospective major #2
  • ARBUS 102
  • ARBUS 202
  • ARTS 140 or ARTS 130
  • PSCI 150
  • Prospective major #2

Psychology (PSYCH)

Fall Term Courses Winter Term Courses
  • ARBUS 101
  • ECON 101
  • ARTS 130 or ARTS 140
  • PSYCH 101
  • Prospective major #2
  • ARBUS 102
  • ARBUS 202
  • ARTS 140 or ARTS 130
  • One of (see Note):
    • PSYCH 207
    • PSYCH 211
    • PSYCH 238
    • PSYCH 253
    • PSYCH 257
    • PSYCH 261
  • Prospective major #2

Note: The Psychology department recommends that students take a maximum of one PSYCH 200-level course in their 1B term. 

Religious Studies (RS)

Fall Term Courses Winter Term Courses
  • ARBUS 101
  • ECON 101
  • ARTS 130 or ARTS 140
  • One 100-level RS course, or RS 260
  • Prospective major #2
  • ARBUS 102
  • ARBUS 202
  • ARTS 140 or ARTS 130
  • One 100-level or 200-level RS course
  • Prospective major #2

Sexuality, Marriage, and Family Studies (SMF)

Fall Term Courses Winter Term Courses
  • ARBUS 101
  • ECON 101
  • ARTS 130 or ARTS 140
  • SMF 101
  • Prospective major #2
  • ARBUS 102
  • ARBUS 202
  • ARTS 140 or ARTS 130
  • SMF 204
  • Prospective major #2

Note: Students are encouraged to take PSYCH 101 or SOC 101. These courses are pre-requisites for upper-year SMF Approved courses. These courses are not included in a student’s SMF major average. 

Social Development Studies (SDS) - admitted to Honours Arts and Business

Fall Term Courses Winter Term Courses
  • ARBUS 101
  • ECON 101
  • ARTS 130 or ARTS 140
  • PSYCH 101R or SOC 101R
  • Prospective major #2
  • ARBUS 102
  • ARBUS 202
  • ARTS 140 or ARTS 130
  • SOCWK 120R
  • Prospective major #2

Sociology (SOC)

Fall Term Courses Winter Term Courses
  • ARBUS 101
  • ECON 101
  • ARTS 130 or ARTS 140
  • SOC 101
  • Prospective major #2
  • ARBUS 102
  • ARBUS 202
  • ARTS 140 or ARTS 130
  • One 200-level SOC course
  • Prospective major #2

Theatre and Performance (THPERF)

Fall Term Courses Winter Term Courses
  • ARBUS 101
  • ECON 101
  • ARTS 130 or ARTS 140
  • One of:
    • THPERF 102
    • THPERF 149
  • Prospective major #2
  • ARBUS 102
  • ARBUS 202
  • ARTS 140 or ARTS 130
  • One of:
    • THPERF 100
    • THPERF 102
    • THPERF 149
  • Prospective major #2